Latitude E7270/E7470 1.14.3 Latitude E5270/E5470/E5570 1.13.3 Precision 3510 1.13.3 Precision 7510/7710 1.11.4 Caution:It is recommended that customers do not install a demoted BIOS, for any reason, even if they have a local copy. Always ensure that if a BIOS...
包括DELL 的电源管理方案 Dell Command Power Manager;负责系统固件、BIOS、硬件驱动等数据更新的 Dell Command Update;负责自动下载和安装可用软件的Dell Digital Delivery;用于自动安装特定于您的设备的驱动程序和应用程序更新的Dell Update;负责定期检查设备硬件以及系统信息的Dell SupportAssist;带有专业的 MAXX Audio...
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1 DELL 戴尔 Latitude E7470开箱 首先拿到手是个四四方方的大箱子,上面一张价值300毛爷爷的大红税单,还有用记号笔写的电脑2000的字样,也不知是谁写的。 笔记本电脑选购参考 打开箱子看见被包裹的严严实实的内箱,四方20块钱的加固还是不错的,既用气泡膜把外包装牢牢地包裹起来,外层还用气泡袋是给塞好了,内箱...
✅ Dell latitude e7470:I bought 2 dell latitude e7470 broken screen no hdd no ssd . Guess no os I got os recovery downloading windows 7 pro 64 from dell but will it work I'm...
【02-06 求助解..各位吧友好!刚买的E7470到货,体验了几天非常完美,就是128G的硬盘太小了点,当时订的就是最低配的,打算自己加装SSD,拿到拆机手册看了下,有“安装可选PCIe SSD”的说明和这个图:电池的左侧
Latitude E5270/E5470/E55701.13.3 Precision 35101.13.3 Precision 7510/77101.11.4 Your security settings could not be detected You might the error message below when you try updating or installing the BIOS on your Windows computer Your security settings could not be detected. Try restarting your sy...
Updating on Latitude E7470 System Firmware... Decompressing… Retrying as an offline update... Scheduling… UEFI firmware update failed: {error #0} efivarfs.c:230 efivarfs_get_variable(): open(/sys/firmware/efi/efivars/fwupdate-212026ee-fde4-4d08-ac41-c62cb4036a42-0-0abba7dc...