Check 'Alps Touchpad (Alps)' in 'Karabiner-Elements Preferences - Devices - Basic configuration' MicroSD slot not working properly If you use modified Sinetek-rtsx.kext, you can use HFS+ formatted SD card, but there are still some problems I2C front and rear camera (AVStream2500, OV5670, ...
Step 5: Add Newly Created Option In Bios Boot Menu Choose as Boot Device Save then reboot All Done Enjoy Happy Hackintosh --Donations via PayPal-- Members Great Hack Sampath007 Mobile SkyLake DELL LATiTUDE E-7470 14" 6th Gen Display Touch Screen Working o...
Hi, I upgraded my Ubuntu 18.04 to the 18.10 beta today which includes an fwupdmgr version upgrade from 1.0.6. On Ubuntu 18.04 everything worked fine and the thunderbolt controller was listed when running fwupdmgr get-devices and as you c...