KeyboardshortcutsSomekeysonyourkeyboardhavetwosymbolsonthem. Thesekeyscanbeusedtotypealternatecharactersorto performsecondaryfunctions.Totypethealternatecharacter, pressShiftandthedesiredkey.Toperformsecondary functions,pressFnandthedesiredkey. NOTE:Youcandefinetheprimarybehaviorofthe functionkeys(F1–F12)changing...
Shortcut key: Preset Modes 2 Use this button to choose from a list of input sources. Shortcut key: Input source 3 Use this menu button to launch the on-screen display (OSD) and select the OSD menu. See Accessing the menu system. Menu 4 Use this button ...
System setup options NOTE: Depending on the laptop and its installed devices, the items listed in this section may or may not appear. General options Table 23. General Option Description System Information This section lists the primary hardware features of your computer. The options are: ● ...
Shortcut key: Aspect Ratio 7 Use this button to go back to the main menu or exit the OSD main menu. Exit 62 | Operating the monitor Using the OSD lock function You can lock the front-panel control buttons to prevent a...
Dell Inspiron 13-7359 设备说明书
I need to use Lock Screen (either the menu bar icon enabled from Keychain Settings, or the Ctrl-Shift-Eject shortcut which I believe does the same thing). Because I run Folding@Home, so the Mac can't sleep, and because the if power off the display, the Mac will never auto-lock th...
In the Windows Features window, expand the Device Lockdown node, and check Unified Write Filter > OK.The Windows Features window indicates Windows is searching for required files and displays a progress bar. Once found, the window indicates Windows is applying the changes. When completed, the ...
Shortcut Was uns gefällt Der clevere evolutionäre Ansatz von Dell, um das Produkt zu verbessern. Was wir vermissen Ein besseres WLAN-Modul und, falls irgendwie möglich, einen dritten USB-Anschluss! Was uns überrascht Die Kombination aus toller Leistung und exzellentem Temperatur...
Shortcut key 2 Select from Preset Modes, Brightness/Contrast, Input Source, Aspect Ratio, Smart HDR, Rotation set as shortcut key 2. Power Button Allows you to set the state of the power light to save energy. LED USB-C Charging 90W Allows you to enable or disable A...
NOTE: Instead of Sign Off if Lock is ON, the terminal signs off when selecting Lock Terminal option from ThinOS shutdown menu or using the ThinOS system shortcut Ctrl + Alt + Left/Right. NOTE: If Enable Choose Lock Behaviors is OFF, the Lock Terminal function is disabled. Lock Terminal...