如果您的裝置隨附有 Windows 11 特定的版本,即會提供該版本的驅動程式,也無需進行測試。 注意:從Windows 11 組建 23H2 開始,Dell 即不會提供 Windows 11 各版本之間的更新測試清單。但是,Dell 將繼續支援原廠安裝的作業系統和 Microsoft 透過 Windows Update 提供的更新。如需 Dell 適用於商業產品的 Windows 11...
OS Windows 11 Pro 24H2 (Build 26100.3037) Dec 6, 2023 #1 Be aware of the following - Earlier to-day I ran Windows Update, and a BIOS update for my Dell Precision 3660 was downloaded and installed. Not being able to find a download for this on the Dell support site, I raised a...
直接在 WINDOWS 或 DOS 下运行 DELL BIOS 更新程序即可更新。2、只有外接电源,在 DOS 下加参数 -...
Re:The new BIOS update for the USB C port has not worked i can now not connect to my Dell Monitor Also a quick update, while working on my laptop today the USB c startted working and the monitor woke up, it had been plugged in fo...
How to boot in BIOS Windows 10 without restarting? If you have UEFI firmware, you may have an easier way to boot into BIOS is using the Settings features on Windows 10 or Windows 11. Step 1.Click the Windows button in the toolbar and choose "Settings". Or pressWin + Ikeys to open...
Windows 11 22H1 and 23H2 22621.4751 and 22631.4751 or later Windows 10 22H2 19044.5371 and 19045.5371 or later Computers may fail to update the BIOS, or the BIOS update may get stuck within SupportAssist. The issue occurs after installing the January update from Microsoft. Wind...
Domande Frequenti sui Laptop (FAQ) [Windows 11/10] Come liberare spazio su disco [Windows 11/10] Risoluzione dei problemi - Problemi dell'Unità a Stato Solido (SSD) Prodotti applicabili: Notebook, Desktop, All-in-One PC, Gaming Handheld, MiniPC, NUC ...
在 BIOS 中识别存储设备 1 打开或重新启动笔记本电脑. 2 在显示 DELL 徽标时,执行以下操作之一以进入 BIOS 设置程序: • 轻按 F2 直至显示进入 BIOS 设置程序消息.要进入引导选择菜单,轻按 F12. 存储设备(HDD 或 SSD 类型)位于 General(常规)组的 System Information(系统信息)下. 在 Windows 10 中识别...
Update the BIOS Fix 1 – Check the physical connection The first thing you need to do is check the physical damage to your docking station or the ports on your computer. Simply inspect the dock’s performance by plugging it to another laptop. If it works well and each device behaves prope...