你好,你的台式机是否有独显呢,如果有独显的话,需要插到独显上面 还有显示器的输入信号模式需要选择HDMI
Dell Technologies 精彩视窗 特色产品和解决方案KMM 客户成功案例 AI 助力影视制作放飞创意 摄制组在灯火通明、熙熙攘攘的热闹街道上拍摄夜景。 播放视频 了解具体方式 查看所有案例 戴尔支持 我们随时为您提供帮助 从提供专家建议到解决复杂问题,我们全方位满足您的需求。 产品支持 驱动和下载 订单支持 保修和合同 部...
Dell Inspiron 3910 HDMI port resolution can only be set up to 1920x1200. It can't be set to 2560 x 1080 either in Windows or Intel Graphics Command Center (IGCC). Resolution The HDMI port of Dell Inspiron 3910 only supports resolution settings up to 1920x1200. For more information, re...
【NBC】Dell ..前言:充满持久力的游戏伙伴。Dell为Inspiron 15 7000 Gaming系列配备了的顶级硬件不仅在性能让我们信服,还在续航上掉了一地眼球。我们对此十分满意,除了屏幕。Dell为Inspir
戴尔DELL Inspiron 7490 液晶屏 显示屏幕 LQ140M1JX41显示器 深圳市飞悦科技有限公司 11年 月均发货速度: 暂无记录 广东 深圳市福田区 ¥2688.00 成交2台 戴尔(DELL)32英寸G3223D 设计家用娱乐办公 高清电脑显示器 广州奈斯电子科技有限公司 4年 回头率: 3.1% 广东 广州市 ¥3199.00 戴尔(DELL...
Intel Display Audio (Intel UHD Graphic 620) 5.1 Surround Sound not working over HDMI.(Dell Inspiron 15 3000)Subscribe More actions SKuma177 Beginner 04-15-2019 02:15 PM 4,630 Views Translate0 Kudos Reply All forum topics Previous topic Next topic 1 Reply AlHill Super ...
I have a Dell Inspiron N5110 with integrated Intel HD Graphics 3000 card. The laptop display has stopped working after I upgraded to Windowws 10. I can use the TV as display by plugging it inthe HDMI port. A standard VGA monitor also works through VGA cable...
Not Working Things that may never work: Discrete GPU (Disabled) Fingerprint (Disabled) Internal and Combo Jack Microphone HDMI Port (USB-C works) Installation BIOS Disk inAHCImode Fastboot:Thorough Secure BootDisabled STEP You can followDortania's guideas it is very detailed and easy to understan...