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SelecteerControleren op updatesom Dell automatisch driverupdates voor u te laten vinden. U kunt de drivers ook handmatig vinden en downloaden via: Zoekvak op trefwoord - Voer een trefwoord in van de driver die u zoekt. Bijvoorbeeld BIOS, chipset, audio, video, enzovoort. De fil...
您可以拨打戴尔的售后服务电话咨询:固定电话拨打800-858-2969;手机拨打400-886-8610 您可以提供dell维修站查询网址
Dell Update Updates your computer with critical fixes and latest device drivers as they become available. For more information about using Dell Update, see the knowledge base article SLN305843 at /support. 4 Set up your Inspiron 7586 Resources Description Dell Digital Delivery Download software ...
The other entry is specific to the Intel Wireless and Bluetooth driver packages. You will find all of these packages on this Dell Support page: Hope this helps, ...S Translate 1 ...
Dell Inspiron 13 5000 series Intel HD 620 Graphics Intel Core i3 7100 CPU I've just moved the computer over to dual boot between Windows 10 (it's installed operating system) and Windows 8.1. I've found Windows 8.1 to be a little less bloaty, a little snappier, plus I can...
device driver —A program that allows the operating system or some other program to interface correctly with a peripheral. Some device drivers—such as network drivers—must be loaded from the config.sys file or as memory-resident programs (usually, from the autoexec.bat file). Others must ...
I received my laptop Inspiron 15 (3521) as shown below. As per configuration (in dell store) and discussion with your representative the laptop should be of 2.6 Ghz but my laptop is showing 1.7Ghz. Why ? Please advice or else for further action I will go to consumer. ...
Packagename.exe /s / drivers=Path /driveronly 此功能仅从 DUP 中安装驱动程序内容。 Packagename.exe /s /driveronly CLI 退出代码 退出代码帮助您在运行 DUP 后确定并分析执行结果。 运行 DUP 后,请参阅下表中所述的退出代码。 表. 4: 退出代码 值 消息名称 显示名称 说明 0 SUCCESSFUL 成功 更新成功...