Step 1. Download OS Recovery Tool (21.1MB) from the official website.Click the Install button.Step 2. Identify the Dell computer and click Next.Downloading the image on the same Dell computer - Click This computer.Change to another working Dell laptop: Click Another computer and type Service...
5,把从原厂系统站http://www.ycxtz.cn下载的对应机型SWM文件复制到刚刚新建的Image文件夹内; 6,复制完成五,进行原厂恢复1,重启一直敲击F12,这里可以看到已经有SupportAssist OS Recovery选项了,选择回车2,助手启动中3,还是选择右下角的重置功能4,可以看到左边的本地出厂恢复回来了,开心不 5,选择左边本地的出厂...
- 下载并安装 Dell OS Recovery Tool 。- 运行 Dell OS Recovery Tool ,输入你的服务标签或浏览你的设备列表,然后选择 Download OS recovery image 。- 选择一个保存位置,并等待下载完成。- 插入一个 USB 驱动器,并选择 Create OS recovery media 。- 选择你刚刚下载的恢复映像,并按照屏幕上的说明将其写入...
按照本戴尔知识库文章使用Dell OS Recovery Tool一节中的说明进行操作。 四、如何在非Windows PC上下载Windows或Linux ISO文件? Dell OS Recovery Tool 实用程序仅适用于基于 Windows 的 PC。如何在非 Windows PC 上手动下载 Windows 或 Linux ISO 文件: 1、从非 Windows PC 浏览至 Dell Recovery Image(戴尔恢复...
1. 下载Dell OS Recovery Tool并安装 2. 打开Dell OS Recovery Tool 并安装镜像 制作Ubuntu镜像 1.下载Ubuntu22.02 image 2. 下载UltralSO软件并安装镜像 安装双系统 1. 通过Dell Recovery Tool重置Windows系统 2. 将C盘分区 点击电脑-->管理-->磁盘管理,选择C盘,右键选择扩展卷,分配700G ...
Smart backup tool for your files, disks, APPs and entire computer. Try It Now Support Windows 11/10/8/7 Topic Clusters Clone HDD to SSD in Windows File History Windows 10 System Image Recovery How to Clone a Hard Drive Disk Image Create Windows 10 Recovery USB Interesting Topic...
theHP Cloud Recovery Tool. Check the list of supported devices on that page first; if your model is supported, download and run the Cloud Recovery Client, enter the serial number and model number, and follow the instructions to create a bootable flash drive containing the recovery image. ...
Dell戴尔ImageAssistStaticforSinglePlatformVersion11.1UsersGuide说明书用户手册用户手册产品说明书使用说明文档安装使用手册 ImageAssistStaticforSinglePlatform Version11.1 UsersGuide March2024 Rev.A08 Notes,cautions,andwarnings NOTE:ANOTEindicatesimportantinformationthathelpsyoumakebetteruseofyourproduct. CAUTION:ACAUTION...
Dell 笔记本重装..条件: 那个10G左右的隐藏分区必须要在,最好不要损坏。(查看方法:自行百度)工具:DGFree (工具百度有) , imagex (百度有),u盘pe (我用的是大白菜)注:出厂预装win8系统是
The tool requires an internet connection for downloading the operating system image and other necessary files. Users should always back up important data before using the recovery tool to avoid data loss. Dell OS Recovery Tool is a helpful software program that simplifies the recovery process in ca...