In terms of CPU performance, it scored better than its AMD counterpart, the G15 5515, along with other competitors such as the HP Victus 16. On the GPU side, we have the pretty good RTX 3050 Ti with a TGP of 95W, which is more than what other laptops offer. This also means that ...
如果从游戏性能表现来看,RTX 4060比2张Arc GPU都要强不少,但是Stable Diffusion出图更依赖显存,这方面RTX 4060由于被阉割的比较厉害,特别是显存位宽只有128Bit,容量也只有8GB,因为并不是特别适合用来加速Stable Diffusion。AMD这边,虽然RX 6700 XT拥有12GB大容量显存、192Bit位宽,但由于AMD目前对AI支持力度不够,导致...