硬盘故障。补充回答:所有DELL电脑均会集成DELL硬件检测工具,用于用户自行对电脑硬件进行诊断。0142的错误是指明硬盘故障,需要及时备份数据并更换硬盘。 0142的错误信息为Drive Self Test failed。
如果提示 2000-0142 ,那就表示硬盘有问题,重新插拔硬盘试试看,如果还是这样,那就需要更换硬盘了
2000-0142 硬盘故障,如果在保修内,找DELL 保修,如果不在保修内,自己可以购买硬盘更换
Dell Error Code 0142 Data Recovery Case Study:Samsung ST1000DL004 with Failed Read/Write Heads Drive Model:Samsung ST1000DL004 Drive Capacity:1 TB Operating/File System:Windows Data Loss Situation:Dell hard drive error code 2000:0142 error code in PSA diagnostic error tool – Hard disk failed,...
If not, take note of the validation and error code. Contact the nearest technical support and give them the codes. Way 3. Do a Hard Reset A hard reset or factory reset restores your computer to its default settings, which can help fix hardware issues. Follow these steps to hard reset a...
For information about the event and error messages generated by the system firmware and agents that monitor system components, see the Error Code Lookup page, at qrl.dell.com iDRAC Quick Sync 2 indicator codes NOTE: iDRAC Quick Sync 2 module (optional) is located on the left control panel ...
BeepCode PSA1000-0111PSA+2000-0111PSA+2000-0112PSA+2000-0113PSA1000-0122PSA1000-0123PSA+2000-0123PSA1000-0141PSA+2000-0141PSA1000-0142PSA+2000-0142PSA1000-0143PSA+2000-0143PSA1000-0144PSA+2000-0144PSA1000-0145PSA+2000-0145PSA1000-0146PSA+2000-0146PSA1000-0147PSA+2000-0147PSA1000-0148PSA+...
error codes19 在 Windows 操作系统中使用 WinDbg 调试 mini crash dump 文件36 4 硬件问题故障排除 41 排查系统启动故障41 未找到可引导设备41 外部连接故障排除 42 视频子系统故障排除42 USB 设备故障排除42 iDRAC Direct 故障排除 - USB XML 配置 43 iDRAC Direct 故障排除 - 笔记本电脑连接43 串行输入/输出...
If you are using a Dell computer, you may come across some error codes, such as2000-0146,2000-0142, 2000-0151, etc. when booting the computer. Meanwhile, this post will focus on Dell error code 2000-0151. When booting the computer, the error message is shown below: ...