单击Find drivers,然后转至步骤6。 使用Operating system: 下方的下拉菜单,选择您的计算机上安装的操作系统 在Category: 下的下拉菜单中,选择 Chipset。 选中任何包含 Memory Card Reader 或类似内容的列表项左侧的复选框。 轻触或单击 Download。 视浏览器而定,您会获得不同的选项。以下步骤基于使用 Chrome ...
修复了从SD卡通过Quicktime AP播放.mov文件时系统当机的问题。版本, A01 发布日期 29 5月 2013 下载类型 驱动程序 类别 主板芯片组重要性 推荐 Dell Technologies 建议在下一个计划的更新周期期间应用此更新。更新包含用于维护整体系统运行状况的更改。它可确保系统软件保持最新状态并与其他系统模块(固件、...
出现安装窗口,点击Continue(继续),再Continue,点击Change Install Location...(更改安装位置),选择你的系统分区,点击Continue,再点击左下角的Customize(自定义),按下图的勾选,主题你可以勾BlackGreenMoody,我图勾少了这个。 注意Drivers64UEFI选什么不重要,因为我们后面要覆盖它。 点击Install(安装),输入密码,5秒左右...
Hiearcool USB C Hub, USB-C Laptop Docking Station, 11IN1 Triple Display Type C Adapter Compatible for Dell Hp Lenovo Windows (2HDMI VGA PD3.0 SD TF Card Reader Gigabit Ethernet 4USB Ports) Recommendations UtechSmart USB Docking Station, 11 IN 1 USB C Dock Triple Display, USB 3.0 Laptop...
Hence, plug-and-play functionality for smart card reader is always enabled from this release. ● Webcam redirection (HDX RealTime Webcam Video Compression) for 32-bit apps enhancement—Only 32-bit apps on the virtual desktop with HDX RealTime Webcam Video Compression are supported by ThinOS....
Micro SD Card Reader (USB based) Webcam (USB based)Keyboard Keyboard (PS2 based) HID Key PWRB & SLPB F11 & F12 remapped brightness keys F13 Print Screen remapped key Multimedia control sound keysTrackpad I2C Touchpad with gestures Force TouchMisc SpeedStep Sleep/Wake using both hibernate...
Suspend-to-RAM fails most of the time, no ttyN with Crtl+Alt+F1 and NVIDIA drivers v6.06 (Dapper) Kubuntu Wireless & multimedia keys work, and even the SD slot (Ricoh Co LtdR5C822SD/SDIO/MMC/MS/MSPro Host Adapter). A few glitches related to the development status of Dapper, but ...
SD Card reader connector 11. Front panel USB Type-C connector 12. Front USB connector 13. Coin cell battery 14. SATA connectors 15. M.2 connector 16. Front fan connector NOTE: Computers purchased before July, 19 did not have provision for front fan and old system board may not have ...
After learning how to Optimus system works, where the Nvidia driver output buffers are directly written in the Intel frame buffer, I realized the Intel drivers could be responsible for the crash and tried to install their latest version. At the time (5 or 6 weeks ago), the *in...
Install drivers:ThinkFingeryou can also checkHow to enable the fingerprint reader with ThinkFinger To avoid "press enter after swipe" bug in Ubuntu 8.10 installthinkfinger-toolsfrom this PPA archive:https://launchpad.net/~jon-oberheide/+archive ...