存取 SupportAssist Windows 10:按一下或輕觸開始畫面的 Dell 幫助及支援圖示. Windows 8.1:按一下或輕觸開始畫面的 My Dell 圖示. Windows 7:按一下開始 → 所有程式→ Dell→ My Dell→ My Dell. PC Checkup 註:PC Checkup 僅於特定機型提供. 您可使用 PC Checkup 檢查硬碟的使用情形,執行硬體診斷程式,...
I use Windows on a Dell laptop. Wanting to check and download the latest drivers for it, I decided to visit the Dell website. This was when I came across theDell Support Assist software, which is available as a free download. The Dell SupportAssist software & Dell PC Checkup are Diagnos...
Uparivanje Bluetooth uređaja s računalom ili tabletom Windows 10 1. Omogućite Bluetooth na računalu ili tabletu i uređaju koji uparujete. Na Dell prijenosnom računalu, uključite bežičnu vezu kako biste omogućili Bluetooth. NAPOMENA: Za više informacija o Bluetoothu ...
which uses unique and proprietary hardware inside the computer. It helps them to diagnose better problems associated with this hardware. And that’s what happened with the dell error code 2000-0142. This is unique to Dell’s computer.
Up Your Studio XPS™ Laptop . . . . . .5 Media, Wireless, and Power Controls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Before Setting Up Your Computer . . . . . . . . . 5 Connect the AC adapter . . . . . . . . . . . ....
WindowsVista?开始按钮徽标?是?Microsoft?公司在美国和/或其它国家或地区的商标或注册商标;Bluetooth?是? BluetoothSIG,Inc?公司拥有的注册商标,由?Dell?根据许可使用。 本说明文件中述及的其它商标和商品名称是指拥有相应标记和名称的公司或其制造的产品。Dell?Inc.?公司对不 ...
存取 SupportAssist ● Windows 10:按一下或輕觸 開始 畫面的 Dell 說明與支援 圖示. ● Windows 8.1:按一下或輕觸 [開始] 畫面的 My Dell 圖示. ● Windows 7:按一下 開始 > 所有程式 > Dell > My Dell > My Dell. 電腦狀況檢查 註: PC Checkup 僅於特定機型提供. 您可使用 PC Checkup 檢查硬碟...
9 Setting Up Your Inspiron Laptop Create System Recovery Media (Recommended) NOTE: It is recommended that you create a system recovery media as soon as you set up Microsoft Windows. NOTE: Your computer does not have an internal optical drive. Use an external optical drive or any external ...
存取 SupportAssist ● Windows 10:按一下或輕觸 開始 畫面的 Dell 說明與支援 圖示. ● Windows 8.1:按一下或輕觸 [開始] 畫面的 My Dell 圖示. ● Windows 7:按一下 開始 > 所有程式 > Dell > My Dell > My Dell. 39 電腦狀況檢查 註: PC Checkup 僅於特定機型提供. 您可使用 PC Checkup 檢查...
16 Setting Up Your Studio Laptop Setting Up a Wireless Connection Windows Vista® NOTE: To set up your wireless router, see 1. Ensure that wireless is enabled on your the documentation that shipped with your computer (see “Enable or Disable Wireless” router. on page 14). Before you can...