command line 一栏输入 powershell.exe -NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy ByPass -file .\DellBiosUpgradePackage-2.0.ps1 最后在group里添加一个Restart Computer,并创建condtion 为变量 SMSTS_BiosUpdateRebootRequired = True 脚本成功后会根据return code来修改变量 SMSTS_BiosUpdateRebootRequired 从而达到重启系统完成BIOS升级...
Figura 3: Activar DDC/CI en el menú de OSD del monitor Dell antes de utilizar DDM 2.x Volver al principio Características de Dell Display Manager Para obtener más detalles, seleccione la versión de Dell Display Manager. Características de Dell Display Manager 2.x Características de Dell...
SCCM: Driver Revision: A11 Starting Download,Extract And Import Processes For Dell Model: Latitude E6440 Reply Maurice Daly 2017-04-05 at 16:02 Hi Trevor, The “special” models such as the ATG and XFR need to be worked on in an update as some have specific download pages and some ...
I have imported the computer to the SCCM database using the MAC address but I cannot get the client to install. My web searching has not turned up a workable solution that doesn't involve PXE booting the computer and running an OSD Task Sequence. ...
From the SCCM console navigate to Computer Management > Operating System Deployment > Task Sequences. Create a new Task Sequence. In the newly created TS click Add > General > Run Command Line Use this XCOPY command for copying the x86_64 to the targeted client’s C drive. ...
<#Added TS Variables for if using during OSD. Creates Variable SMSTS_BiosUpdate, and sets to TRUE. (For Future Use) #> $tsenv = New-Object -COMObject Microsoft.SMS.TSEnvironment -ErrorAction...
SDLI-BCL01: An unexpected error occurred: Access to the registry key 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Dell\CommandIntegrationSuite\ConfigManagerExtensions' is denied. I closed the SCCM Console and re-opened it with "Run as Administrator". Problem solved. I have also applied the CU2 update to the...
I am having a problem with OSD TS for new Dell E6400 laptops. We first had an issue with our working XP OSD failing to boot for this new model. We could not get the Dell Vista...