了解面向高等教育的戴尔 Boomi 数据集成解决方案 Dell Technologies 帮助高等教育机构通过精简的 IT 运营降低成本 Dell Technologies 利用现代化方法帮助高等教育机构从集中式 IT 解决方案、数据湖、预测性分析和数字集成中获得更多价值。我们可以提供端到端解决方案来帮助机构降低复杂性和成本。
Dell Boomi (Dell) 是平台即服务 (paas), 和 应用基础设施与中间件等工业物联网科技方面的供应商。同时致力于城市与自治市, 教育, 电子产品, 食品与饮料, 医疗保健和医院, 和 零售等行业。 技术 平台即服务 (PaaS) 连接平台 数据管理平台 应用基础设施与中间件 ...
Dell BoomiRather than retrofitting older technologies, Boomi AtomSphere developed a single-instance, multi-tenant platform to optimize the new integration paradigms used in SaaS, PaaS, and cloud computing environments. For companies seeking ease of use and accelerated time to value in addressing ...
在云计算领域,Dell Boomi被广泛应用于企业的应用集成和数据管理。 当提到Dell Boomi将1个API分解为多个API时,可以理解为Dell Boomi提供了一种功能,可以将一个复杂的API拆分成多个更小、更简单的API。这种拆分可以帮助开发人员更好地管理和维护API,提高系统的可扩展性和灵活性。 拆分一个API的好处在于: 模块化和可...
Dell Boomi Expands Enterprise Cloud Platform.The article offers brief information on AtomSphere Spring 11 software as a service (SAAS) application integration platform from Dell Computer Corp.EBSCO_bspChannel Insider
Dell Boomi AtomSphere是一个按需多租户云集成平台,可以通过在云端程序和本地程序之间交换数据来帮助客户降低集成应用的成本和复杂性。这个平台使用了包括 REST在内的网络服务标准,以便于为“业务—业务”与“内部部署应用—应用”之间提供集成链路。用户可以设计基于云的集成流程Atom,并且在云和本地 应用之间传输数据,同...
Dell Boomi 关于开发人员布米是一个软件公司,是由里克·努奇成立于2000年。它提供软件解决方案的数据和应用程序的集成。它是由戴尔公司在2010年获得的,因此更名为戴尔布米。开发操作系统: Windows访问网站 点击查看完整截图 相关软件名称Dell Boomi | 商业 开发人员创建的文件类型...
“The way DellBoomi Training conducted Instructor LED live training was really magnificent and very engaging and clear. The dedicated customer support is very well organized.” Testimonial “The live instructor was absolutely incredibly gentle and executed all our doubts. The course with DellBoomi Trai...
Since its founding in 2000, beginning initially with "configuration-based" integration, Boomi then introduced Visual Integration Technology to allow users to build and deploy integration processes using a visual interface and a drag and drop technique. This interface remains one of the key elements ...
The Architecture of Dell Boomi Atom At the lowest level of Boomi's architecture is the Atom. This is a single-tenant, single node runtime engine. It contains all of the components (connectors, transformation rules, business/processing logic) required to execute processes. it is lightweight and...