如圖1 所示,DCPP 可透過三個屬性促進尖峰轉移,即 PeakshiftCfg、PeakShiftBatteryThreshold 和PeakShiftDayConfiguration。 PeakShiftCfg 是一個簡單的屬性,僅採用 Enabled 和Disabled 值。 PeakShiftBatteryThreshold 是一個整數屬性,可接受介於 15 和 100 之間的值 (類似於 BIOS)。 上述屬性的一般用法如...
如图1 所示,DCPP 通过三个属性(即,PeakshiftCfg、PeakShiftBatteryThreshold和PeakShiftDayConfiguration)促进峰值偏移。 PeakShiftCfg是一个简单的属性,仅采用值Enabled和Disabled。 PeakShiftBatteryThreshold是一个整数属性,可接受介于 15 和 100 之间的值(类似于 BIOS)。
Battery doesnot charge between the Peak Shift start and end time Peak Shift Start and End Time can be configured for all weekdays This option set the battery threshold value (15 % to 100 %) Advanced Battery Charge Configuration This option enables you to maximize the battery health. By ...
During this period, the system runs on battery if the battery charge is above the set battery threshold value. After the Peak Shift period, the system runs on AC power without charging the battery. The system functions normally by using AC power and recharging the battery at the specified ...
ModBattChargeCfg配置模組外框電池充電模式。以下是可能的值: ●Standard—以標準速率為電池充電。 ●Express—用快速充電演算法(Dell的快速充電技術)為電池更快充電 PeakShiftBatteryThreshold設定尖峰轉移電池閾值。可接受的值範圍為15%到100%。當達到尖峰轉移電池閾值等級時, 系統會開始使用交流電源。以下是可能的值:介...
During peak shift, the system runs on battery power until the combined charge level of all batteries reaches a minimum threshold. Even if you plug in the system to the direct power source, the battery does not charge until the peak shift ends. To enable peak shift: 1. Go to Power Peak...
If the system is powered off, then the battery typically charges to 80 percent within one hour and 100 percent in two hours. Charge time may be longer if the system is powered on. Primarily AC Use - Extends battery life by lowering the charge threshold, so that the battery never ...
During this period, the system runs on battery if the battery charge is preceding the set battery threshold value. After the Peak Shift period, the system runs on AC power without charging the battery. The system functions normally using AC power and recharging the battery after the specified ...
2. Try changing threshold using command line. You can find command line details here https://maniacx.github.io/Battery-Health-Charging/device-compatibility/dell#testing-charging-threshold-using-command-line I would say that this also looks like expected 🤔 So if it wouldn't work with libsm...
08/19/08 16:04:32: EVT#00079-08/19/08 16:04:32: 155=Battery relearn pending: Battery is under charge 08/19/08 16:31:37: EVT#00080-08/19/08 16:31:37: 242=Battery charge complete 08/19/08 16:31:37: Battery fully charged: Starting a Learn cycle ...