1080p,27英寸IPS屏。 BUYDIG.COM目前售价$109,不支持直邮中国,美国境内包邮,转运到手约1050元(未含税),感兴趣的值友可以关注一下~ 商品介绍: 该款显示器采用27英寸IPS幕,1080P分辨率,快速响应时间5ms。配备HDMI、VGA接口,支持壁挂。整体采用窄边框设计,具有不错颜值。
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can be adjusted up and down by 1 inch so that your monitors can be perfectly aligned. please note that screen alignment also depends on whether the vesa holes are in the same location on each monitor. all hardware and instructions are provided to get your stand assembled and screens mounted...
苏宁易购为您提供戴尔(DELL)3900-R5308台式电脑和戴尔(DELL)SE2717H 27英寸窄边框带HDMI高清接口 AMD FreeSync 爱眼不闪滤蓝光电脑显示器参数对比,让您了解戴尔(DELL)3900-R5308台式电脑和戴尔(DELL)SE2717H 27英寸窄边框带HDMI高清接口 AMD FreeSync 爱眼不闪滤蓝光电
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