递送状态通知 (失败) ,
GMAIL邮箱在收信后,都会收到"Delivery Status Notification (Failure)"为主题的邮件,每天很多呀,请高手,谢 只要收一封新邮件就会有一封垃圾邮件,怎么办呀? 投递状态通知(失败)你是不是设置了把gmail里的来信自动转发到别的邮箱啊?我猜测可能是这个原因导致的,请检查一
1英语翻译Delivery Status Notification (Failure)This is an automatically generated Delivery Status Notification.Delivery to the following recipients failed. 2 英语翻译 Delivery Status Notification (Failure) This is an automatically generated Delivery Status Notification.Delivery to the following recipients ...
1 英语翻译 1: Delivery Status Notification (Delay) This is an automatically generated Delivery Status Notification. Unable to deliver message to the following recipients,due to being unable to connect successfully to the destination mail server. 2: Delivery Status Notification (Failure) This is an ...
解决的办1法是:打开lFoxmail"帐户6属性"中5对话框,在"个a人a信息"的"电子j邮件地址"中7填写SMTP服务器正确的邮件地址。接收不s了q邮件 不k能正常接收邮件,一c般有以4下k几l种情况,可以6用以7下s方2法进行处理: 7、接收邮件时显示2错误信息:"解析服务器IP地址失败"。pyиanmㄇ渊r绋...
wlp3s0: CTRL-EVENT-SCAN-FAILED ret=-22 retry=1 ( alot of these ) which then resets connection status with a failed timeout. I am currently running FedoraCore 30 with the 5.2.5-200 kernel updated from 5.1.x yesterday. The firmware loaded is, ...
Delivery Status Notification (Failure)发送状态通知(失败)This is an automatically generated Delivery Status Notification.这是一份自动生成的.Delivery to the following recipients failed.给以下收件人的发送失败.相关推荐 1英语翻译第一句:Delivery Status Notification (Failure)第二句:This is an automatically genera...