Here you have control segments at your disposal in order to initiate the required behavior when you are processing the output. The more significant segments and fields are listed below: E1EDL20 Delivery header Segment field Table field VBELN Sales document number LIKP-VBELN BTGEW ...
gt_return.***创建交货单CALLFUNCTION'BAPI_OUTB_DELIVERY_CREATE_SLS'IMPORTINGdelivery=lv_deliveryTABLESsales_order_items=lt_sales_order_items*SERIAL_NUMBERS =*EXTENSION_IN =*DELIVERIES =*CREATED_ITEMS =*EXTENSION_OUT =return =gt_return.IFlv_deliveryISNOTINITIAL...
ABAPER used append structure functionality and added three custom fields in VBRK table. I am not going into detail that how ABAPER added these fields as this is purely ABAP area. If you want to see how it was done you can check this in below link. The difference is only with field ...
This is particularly important in goods-receipt-based invoice verification, so that the link between the goods receipt, the return delivery, and the invoice remains intact (see also Subsequent Delivery ). The table below shows which reversal movement types you can use to reference the associated...
lt_deli TYPE TABLE OF bapishpdelivnumb, lt_order TYPE TABLE OF bapidlvreftosalesorder, ls_order TYPE bapidlvreftosalesorder, ls_itm TYPE bapidlvitemcreated, lt_itm TYPE TABLE OF bapidlvitemcreated, ls_ext TYPE bapiparex, lt_extin TYPE TABLE OF bapiparex, ...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Dear Gurus, I am creating an interface program and I have problem in attaching the serial number data to the corresponding material code for a certain delivery order document in R/3 4.6C SP22 system. The serial number can be attached either during t...
如果是其它confirmation control key 比如0007等,可以使用VL31N去手工创建inbound delivery,而VL34却不能成功执行。 也即是说VL34要想成功执行,对于confirmation control key是有讲究的。关于后台配置, Go to SM30 > Table V_T163L > Click Maintain > click on the check box "Create Inbound delivery" again...
SAP NetWeaver Software Delivery Tool(软件交付工具)是用于执行 SAP 系统迁移、更新以及系统扩展的重要工具之一。在处理与 SAP系统数据库相关的操作时,如数据迁移、数据升级等,经常会涉及到对大数据表的管理与处理。在这些过程中,表拆分(table split)是一种有效的技术手段,能够帮助提升数据处理效率,并最大程度上减...
table and field name for the delivery status - sales order Former Member 2008 Aug 01 12:52 PM 0 Kudos 24,865 SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hi All, Please tell me the table and field name for the delivery status - sales order Its Urgent . Thanks in advance. Repl...
如果是其它confirmation control key 比如0007等,可以使用VL31N去手工创建inbound delivery,而VL34却不能成功执行。 也即是说VL34要想成功执行,对于confirmation control key是有讲究的。关于后台配置, Go to SM30 > Table V_T163L > Click Maintain > click on the check box "Create Inbound delivery" again...