tainer transportation market, we have strength- ened forward-looking planning and precise policies, which not only effectively resisted cyclical shocks, but also achieved "making progress while ensuring stability" in business efficiency, deliv- ering higher value to customers, partners and shareholders....
If it shocks or disgusts you, or seems ridiculous science fiction, it may be about the futures, and hence useful to you. James Allen Dator is Professor and Director of the Hawaii Research Center for Futures Studies, Department of Political Science, of the University of Hawaii at Manoa; Co...
1 As measured by the PRC, our share of the package-delivery market shrank by 0.2 percent in FY2019, after an eleven-year growth trend broken only during a single year of the Great Recession (FY2011). Library Reference PRC-LR-ACR2019-10, Appropriate Share Calculation, Microsoft Excel file ...
Planning, training, and forward-thinking, in addition to substantial funding, is necessary to ensure that already overstretched, fatigued healthcare providers and systems can respond to prolonged and repeated threats, especially in underserved population centres, which are most vulnerable to these shocks...