Riders in both groups had experienced collisions, injury and near misses. Collisions had mainly been with cars and one participant had been knocked off their motorcycle and had broken their collarbone leading to two months off work. One had experienced three collisions, one involving a drunk driv...
While at first glance this may seem to present a picture of a diminishing human role in logistics, automation will drive creation of jobs in entirely new fields in logistics. It is also important to recognize that there is a real need to automate due to increasing labor shortages especially ...
We see it again where politician have demanded cars, heating systems, biofuels, daft energy systems and similar are ‘forced’ on to people that very expensive, over complex, unreliable, expensive to maintain and not very practical. They tend not to buy them if the can avoid them. Politicia...
By contrast, SDCMs will have the next best thing to real-life statistics — they have data centers full of data not only about accidents but also about near misses (albeit for their own cars only). This means they can generate accurate statistics about accidents of their own cars as often ...