我隔壁快鸟转运的,很不幸也是USPS,to agent,一月七号签收的至今六天没入库,我还以为丢了,你们的都入库了吗? 来自Android客户端10楼2017-01-13 21:26 收起回复 登录百度帐号 下次自动登录 忘记密码? 扫二维码下载贴吧客户端 下载贴吧APP看高清直播、视频! 贴吧页面意见反馈 违规贴吧举报反馈通道 贴吧违规信息处理公示...
In many places such as apartment buildings with concierge/doorman, townhouse complexes with a management office, freight forwarders, buildings with mailrooms, etc USPS will deliver to the building's mail "agent" and this has always registered a "delivered" status on the eBay orders pa...
But in the fall, eBay stopped considering a package "delivered" when the USPS handed it over to an agent, leaving sellers with what might be called a "stuck" delivery status instead. A thread on the eBay boards, "eBay not recognizing "Delivered to Agent for Final Delivery" as delivered,...
Delivered ..USPS包裹官网上显示Your item has been delivered to an agent for final delivery in WILMINGTON, DE 19804 on Ju
Delivery是啥意思USPS包裹官网上显示Your item has been delivered to an agent for final delivery in WILMINGTON, DE 19804 on June 15, 2021 at 12:48 pm,仓库并没有显示签收,问客服说要我联系USPS重新派送,,,说是在快递小哥手上,请问在官网上哪里联系USPS啊 分享1赞 阿森纳吧 馆中听雨 乌胖专访,后面有...
use this service. If you have any issues with your order, the seller may direct you to the nearest USPS office. You will need your tracking information before you go to them. You will be able to tell them if they have received your packages and if there were any issues during delivery...
A representative for UPS will reach out to you and send you a Loss Notification letter stating that they could not find your package. Once you receive this letter, let the customer service agent know that you’d like to request a reimbursement for your lost shipment.[8] The UPS representa...
Delivered to Agent for Final Delivery是啥意思USPS包裹官网上显示Your item has been delivered to an agent for final delivery in WILMINGTON, DE 19804 on June 15, 2021 at 12:48 pm,仓库并没有显示签收,问客服说要我联系USPS重新派送,,,说是在快递小哥手上,请问在官网上哪里联系USPS啊 分享1赞 lazada...