differentways.Sexualsinoffersevilspiritsfootholdstooppressthose involved.Sincetoday'sworldcultureislargelypornographic,wecanexpecta growingnumberofpeoplestrugglingwithdemonicoppression. Iampostingthisstudyforavarietyofreasons,including: •Tohelppeopleunderstandthebasicsaboutdeliveranceministry ...
(Mk. 7:25-30). Deliverance from demonic spirits is referred to as healing in the Word of God (Lk. 9:37-42). So the ministry of casting out demons is part of the healing ministry…healing and deliverance cannot be separated. Jesus spent much of His earthly ministry healing the sick ...
Luke 11:26 - Then goeth he, and taketh to him seven other spirits (demons) more wicked than himself; and they enter IN, and dwell there:(IN YOU) and the last state of that man is worse than the first. Luke 24:39 - ...FOR A SPIRIT (DEMON) HATH NOT FLESH AND BONES... This ...
The Gospels recount numerous instances where individuals cry out to Jesus for healing and deliverance from demonic oppression. In Mark 10:47 , Bartimaeus, a blind beggar, cries out, "Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me!" This plea is met with compassion and healing, illustrating Jesus' ...
win against persistent spirits close demonic access gained through generational sins, fear and trauma experience God’s healing presence and much more! As you move into Yeshua’s freedom, you will see darkness dissipate–and you will find yourself surrounded by a peace and clarity you have never...
A shift of blame: Deliverance ministry shifts the blame for sin, addiction, and other struggles to the demonic. This is an unhealthy and unbiblical way of dealing with sin. Instead, a believer is called to repent and surrender to God. Our wickedness comes from the heart (Mark 7:20-23)...
Spiritual warfare & deliverance ministry Avoid false teachings on Christian spiritual warfare, deliverance, spiritual warfare prayers, deliverance prayers, generational curses, binding spells, curses, demons, spirits, blood of Jesus pleading, etc.
Territorial spirits [2]3] Breaking family curses Breaking generational curses Breaking spiritual strongholds Breaking occult spells +protection Spiritual armor & weapons [2|3|4] Sword of the spirit - Bible [2]3]Demonic possession [2]Demonic influence [2]Demonic attacks [2]Casting out demons [2]...
Territorial spirits[2]3] Breaking family curses Breaking generational curses Breaking spiritual strongholds Breaking occult spells +protection Spiritual armor & weapons[2|3|4] Sword of the spirit - Bible[2]3] Demonic possession[2] Demonic influence[2] ...
“Let me be frank and share with you just a few reasons why most churches, teachers and preachers seldom, if ever, deal with the issue of the reality and work of demonic spirits today. – Satan has hidden himself well (2 Corinthians 11:14). ...