Xbox One X Enhanced Succès Xbox Présence Xbox Enregistrements en nuage Xbox CETTE ÉDITION Deliver Us The Moon 24,99 € RETOUR EN HAUT The Wired Narrative Bundle 99,99 € Jeux inclusClose to the SunDeliver Us The MoonMartha Is DeadThe Last WorkerThe Town of LightThose Who RemainTin Hear...
Deliver Us The Moon is a Sci-Fi thriller set in an apocalyptic near future, where Earth's natural resources are depleted. A lunar colony providing a vital supply of energy has gone silent. A lone astronaut is sent to the moon on a critical mission to save humanity from extinction. Will ...
Deliver Us The Moon is a Sci-Fi thriller set in an apocalyptic near future, where Earth's natural resources are depleted. A lunar colony providing a vital supply of energy has gone silent. A lone astronaut is sent to the moon on a critical mission to sav
Sequel to the award-winning Deliver Us The Moon, Deliver Us Mars is an atmospheric sci-fi adventure offering an immersive astronaut experience. Explore new frontiers on a suspense-fuelled, high-stakes mission to recover the ARK colony ships stolen by the mysterious Outward. A BOLD NEW MISSION ...
游玩平台:Xbox One X(XGP) 通关时间:9小时 游戏评分:8/10 推荐人群:注重游戏氛围营造的玩家,喜欢科幻题材的玩家 一次无聊逛Steam,发现一款恐怖新游《残存之人》,点进去后发现发行商Wired Productions在搞促销,继续深入便发现了本次的主角《飞向月球》。以前向来对太空科幻兴趣不大,但自打今年疫情期间看了一些科幻...
采用虚幻4引擎开发的科幻惊悚游戏《飞向月球(Deliver Us the Moon)》宣布将登陆新主机PS5和Xbox Series,之前购买了PS4和Xbox One版的玩家可以免费升级。新主机版游戏发售日尚未公布。 新主机版预告片: Deliver Us The Moon 是一个科幻惊悚游戏,以地球自然资源枯竭的近未来末世为背景。一名孤独的宇航员被送上月球,...
Finally, remember, inDeliver Us the Moon, there is no good or evil. Only decisions made by people trying to do their best. We are really proud to finally share the Xbox Series X|S version of the game with all of you, and we’re excited for you all to experience the next-gen featu...
《飞向月球(Deliver Us The Moon)》已登陆 PS4、Xbox One、PC(Steam)平台,支持简中。仰望月亮时...
《飞向月球(Deliver Us The Moon)》现已登陆 PS4、Xbox One、PC(Steam)平台,支持简中。 仰望月亮时,它不过是一块点亮夜空的发光岩石。不过,如果月亮变成了人类生存的最后希望,那会发生什么事呢?这就是《飞向月球》的基本设定,这款精心编织的故事讲述了孤独与失落的感受,让你以宇航员的身份飞往月球来拯救地球。
《飞向月球(Deliver Us the Moon)》公布最新预告片,将于2020年4月24日在PlayStation 4和Xbox One上发布,并于2020年夏季在Nintendo Switch上发布。 L浪玩堂的微博视频 小窗口 û收藏 2 评论 ñ6 评论 o p 同时转发到我的微博 按热度 按时间 正在加载,请稍候......