Delirium tremens: its aetiology, natural history and treatmentSaunders, John Ba; Janca, Aleksandarb Abstract Delirium tremens represents the most severe end of the spectrum of alcohol withdrawal syndromes and has a substantial mortality if not adequately treated. Concomitant sepsis, fluid and ...
(1930), DELIRIUM TREMENS: ITS CAUSATION, PREVENTION, AND TREATMENT. British Journal of Inebriety, 28: 43–49. doi: 10.1111/j.1360-0443.1930.tb05476.x Author Information Resident Medical Superintendent, Rendlesham Hall, Suffolk. † A Paper read at a meeting of the Society for the Study of...
Delirium tremens (DTs), also known as alcohol withdrawal delirium (AWD), is the most severe form of ethanol withdrawal. It should be considered a medical emergency with a high mortality rate, making early recognition and treatment essential. Profound global confusion is the hallmark of delirium tr...
Alcoholic delirium—called delirium tremens because of the characteristic tremor—is a result not merely of excessive consumption of alcohol but of a complicating exhaustion, lack of food, and dehydration; prior to the outbreak of delirium, the patient has usually been deteriorating physically because ...
Delirium Tremens Treatment Delirium tremens are treatable if proper medical care is sought immediately and no comorbid medical conditions or complications exist. The mainstay of treatment ismedicationsused to lower the overactive nervous system in order to control heart rate and blood pressure and preve...
Beyond the fact that delirium tremens occurs in habitually severe and chronic alcoholism and that it frequently follows injuries, operations and acute infections, little is known of the actual etiologic factors at play. Since this syndrome was adequately and accurately described as long ago as 1813...
NON-NARCOTIC TREATMENT OF DELIRIUM TREMENS.Dr. Norman Kerr made some remarks at the Nottingham meeting of the British Medical Association, in favor of the use of the liquor ammoni acetatis, to the exclusion of all narcotics, in delirium tremens. He stated that he now relied, even in the ...
Delirium tremens is a serious, complex, and sometimes fatal condition seen after withdrawal from heavy alcohol intake. Although the disorder has long been recognized, diagnosis and treatment remain controversial. In a retrospective study of hospital records, Dr Cushman examines various aspects of ...
The treatment of delirium tremens, as advocated until recently,consisted mainly of sedation and supportive measures. With the availability of corticotropin (ACTH) we now have a potent therapeutic agent that can effect a remission in an amazingly short time. Good results with divided intramuscular dos...