深粉象(Delirium Nocturnum)和浅粉象(Delirium Tremens)是两款是具有典型比利时风格的上发酵艾尔(Ale...
DELIRIUM TREMENS 8,5% 5,50€ DELVAUX 8,5% 5,00€ DEUGNIET 7,5% 5,30€ DIKKE JAN BLOND 5,5% 4,70€ DIKKE JAN BRUIN 7,5% 5,10€ DIKKE JAN TRIPEL BLOND 7% 4,90€ DIKKE MATHILE 6% 3,40€ DIKKENEK 6,7% 5,80€ DIOLE AMBRÉE 7,5% 4,90€ DIOLE BLONDE 6,5% 4,90€ ...
Clinical and demographic characteristics of men and women with the history of alcohol withdrawal seizures and delirium tremensKarpyak, V MBiernacka, JGeske, JLewis, KHallFlavin, DSchneekloth, TLoukianova, LFrye, MMrazek, D
Karpyak VM, Biernacka JM, Weg MW, Stevens SR, Cunningham JM, Mrazek DA et al (2010). Interaction of SLC6A4 and DRD2 polymorphisms is associated with a history of delirium tremens. Addict Biol 15: 23-34.Karpyak, V. M., Biernacka, J. M., Weg, M. W., et al. (2010). ...