DELINIA ID领土延伸 申请/注册号:G1395480申请日期:2018-03-29国际分类:第11类-灯具空调商标申请人:GROUPEADEO办理/代理机构:- DELINIA ID 申请/注册号:G1395480申请日期:2018-03-29国际分类:第08类-手工器械商标申请人:GROUPEADEO办理/代理机构:- DELINIA ID领土延伸 申请/注册号:G1395480申请日期:2018-03...
Especially, he points out that the interpretation of the above mentioned term should assure, first of all, efficient justice administration in the EU member countries, and can not be only treated as a kind of unjustified aid for the claimant.Piotr Rylski...