pray—and this formulaic approach got harder to maintain the fuller my life became. But I’ve learned that Jesus welcomes us to come to Him messy bun, sticky hands, crumby floors and all. And my greatest mission is to help busy women like you and me find joy in Jesus—right where we...
This Jesus was thus provided by God to be our staff. The very reed that was despised and rejected by men has now become the One on whom we lean for support and comfort. He was bruised and broken in our place so that all who trust in Him would be bound up and gently restored: A ...
attempting to mislead Christians about the Trinity. A skewed view of the Trinity can result in a view of God as either divinely apart from creation or simply a better version of all the best attributes of humans. Some positions even take away from the Divinity of Jesus Christ. All of thes...
Jesus’ deep affection for the law of God was prophetically expressed at Psalm 40:8: “To do your will, O my God, is my delight, and your law is deep within me.” Li Zebûr 40:8, ji berê de hatibû gotin ku Îsa wê ji qanûna Xwedê pir hez bike: “Ez zewqê ji...
I didn’t grow up in a Christian home and knew very little about Jesus. I didn’t even realize Christmas was about Him. My brother came to Christ when he was 15, and through his influence, my family started attending church to save my parents’ marriage. Though their marriage didn’t ...
I’ve consulted some of you, dear BlogFriends, who have done one or the other, and I have dug deep as to where I see myself with blogging in the coming years. So, I present to you, Touring My Backyard: Rediscovering Singapore. My focus will be our virtual Camino explorations around ...
Jesus answered my prayer of an answer and a solution; I wasn’t insane, and this was the beginning of healing. The beginning of the end. I was strangely, solidly happy. “Oh and you can eat and drink tonight, since we won’t perform anything until tomorrow,” he added. My mom and...
In the past, I was offered to be Governor of Babylon by way of bribes, but then my wife said “It’s up to you, do you want to be a disciple of Jesus or a disciple of Barabas?” At the end, I did not become governor of Babylon, but I did become the Governor of Jakarta. In...
Jesus, in His earth walk, was the will of God in action. If you want to know what God thinks about sickness - look at Jesus! He went about healing the sick! — Kenneth E. Hagin 168 Self-disciplined begins with the mastery of your thoughts. If you don't control what you think, ...
byVinnie Casanova|Sep 17, 2019|Jesus,Justice,Mark,racism,Sabbath|2| Slow to Speak: 3 Ways White People Can Practice Listening bySarah Hauser|Aug 28, 2019|Cross-Cultural,Friendship,Race,racism|0| Faith Latest Privilege Means Showing Up & Listening ...