Based on the manga series, Delicious in Dungeon is a comedic fantasy series with a cooking emphasis. The series follows the exploits of a guild leader named Laios as he heads into a massive dungeon that contains a sunken kingdom, lured by the promise of untold treasure if he can slay th...
Delicious in Dungeon(2024) Yôko Hikasa Maizuru 4 Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children(2005) Aino Shimada Dryad / Laios's mother / Villager 3 Lycoris Recoil(2022) Akari Kitô Benichidori 3 TONIKAWA: Over the Moon for You(2020) A.J. Beckles ...
Adapted From:Manga Staff:Ryouko KUI(Original Work),Yoshihiro MIYAJIMA(Direction),Naoki TAKEDA(Character Design),Yasunori MITSUDA(Music) Website:Delicious-In-Dungeon,Twitter Delicious in Dungeon Status:Completed Published:04.01.2024 ‑ 13.06.2024 ...
Of the 143465 characters on Anime Characters Database, 47 are from the manga Delicious in Dungeon.
or blog posts. This content is published for the entertainment of our users only. The news articles, Tweets, and blog posts do not represent IMDb's opinions nor can we guarantee that the reporting therein is completely factual. Please visit the source responsible for the item in question to ...
《龍可愛的七個孩子》榮獲「漫畫大賞2013年」第7名、「THE BEST MANGA 這本漫畫必讀!2013」第8名 《龍的學校在山上》榮獲「這本漫畫真厲害2012 男生篇」第12名、「我的漫畫 2011」第7名 丛书信息· ··· Delicious in Dungeon(共5册), 这套丛书还有 《Delicious in Dungeon, Vol. 1》《Delicious...
Marcille Donato is a character from the Manga Delicious in Dungeon. They have been indexed as 女性 成人 with 綠色 eyes and 金发 hair that is Hip / Past Hip length. TraitAppearsOfficial 性别 女性 眼睛的颜色 綠色 头发颜色 金发 头发长度 Hip / Past Hip Apparent Age 成人 (青少年) 猫...
Delicious in Dungeon (Dungeon Meshi), the long-running dungeon-crawling/food-eating manga by Ryoko Kui, is set to bid farewell.
Another delectable course of gourmet dungeoneering is on the way after the announcement of Delicious in Dungeon Season 2!
RELATED:Delicious in Dungeon Anime Lets the Cat Out of the Bag with Updates Opening, Ending Theme Videos The originalDelicious in Dungeonmanga by Ryoko Kui was serialized from 2014 – 2023 in Enterbrain'sHartamanga magazine. AnEnglish language versionis also available from Yen Press. Yoshihiro ...