Delicious in Dungeonis an anime adaptation of the seinen manga of the same name. Set in a fantasy world, guilds raid dungeons and hope to find the legendary Golden Kingdom. One such guild tries to fight a dragon, only to lose their leader's sister, Falin. The team's new goal is to ...
my girlfriend and I were yearning for more high-fantasy adventures. After browsing onNetflixfor a while, we landed onDelicious in Dungeon, which had just wrapped its first season. About one week later, we had already binged all 24 episodes, and there’s no doubt that this unique...
He doesn’t hate himself quite as forcefully as he did when we first met either, a lot of that has healed, but there’s still a trace of self-loathing in his veins, which is a sacrilege in itself. But I won’t rest until he learns to love himself at least a tenth of how much ...