Delhi court to give first verdict in 16 Dec gang-rape case todayAmmu Kannampilly
over Death Penalty Delhi Gang-Rape Verdict: Activists Question Euphoria over Death PenaltyDelhi Gang-Rape Verdict: Activists Question Euphoria over Death Penalty
摘要: The article reports that an Indian juvenile court will hear a case regarding the rape of a young woman in a bus in New Delhi, India, on July 25, 2013 and according to lawyer Rajesh Tiwari, the accused defendant was minor when he committed the crime. 年份: 2013 收藏...
2024, awaiting the ongoing proceedings in the Bombay HC. The Bombay High Court alsochose to deemthe fact check amendment as unconstitutional and violative of Articles 14, 19(1)(a) and 19(1)(g), which guarantee the right to equality, freedom of speech and the freedom to practice any lawfu...
Thus, in the rape trials, multiple levels of violation of autonomy happens, beginning from the act of crime to the medico-legal examination, and it further continues in the court room examination as part of the judicial process to the verdict, which makes charac...
Verdict in Delhi gang-rape case todayReuters
Baxi, Pratiksha
A New Delhi court today sentenced the four men convicted of gang raping and murdering a 23-year-old medical student, pronouncing "death to all" in a ruling that underscored the outrage caused by the case.Vij, Shivam
Delhi gang-rape: Three convicts may appeal verdictReuters
The scenes outside the Saket court this afternoon, where the trial for the four accused in the December 16 gang-rape was being heard, resembled ancient Rome and the people who expressed their relief on hearing the verdict (death for all four accused) resembled the audience inside an ...