At present, the free laptop scheme in Delhi is not functional. The Delhi government may soon launch the scheme in the new session for the coming academic year. You can return to this page to check detailed information about the relaunch of the scheme or can also visit the official website ...
Delhi plans LNG subsidy scheme for next summer India plans to launch a scheme to ensure the supply of imported LNG next summer,when India's power-sector gas burn is expected to peak,with officials forecasting a new record for electricity demand in April 2023.Under the plan,the countr... ...
Hydrom questions Nymphs regarding the independence of Scotland from the UK, which would result in subsidy cuts for energy, which could cause a problem to the functioning of the power plant. Nymphs is not open to a MAC clause in the agreement, unless prior discussions regardi...
Energisation of Street Lights with Solar Power is a State funded scheme of Tamil Nadu under which solar powered street lights were installed in 1,000 Village Panchayats investing a sum of Rs.52.50 crore for energisation of 20,000 street over a period of 5 years from 2011-12 Energy Efficient...
Delhi plans LNG subsidy scheme for next summer India plans to launch a scheme to ensure the supply of imported LNG next summer,when India's power-sector gas burn is expected to peak,with officials forecasting a new record for electricity demand in April 2023.Under the plan,the countr... ...
The power demand in New Delhi is vastly growing, at a rate of 5–6% yearly [1], and the number of electricity consumers in the region has grown by 90.47% during the last ten years, with the highest growth in residential and commercial buildings [7]. As far as growth of energy ...