Delhi Police Admit Card 2024: Overview The Physical Endurance Test/Physical Measurement Test to shortlist candidates for 7547 vacancies is scheduled to be held from 13-20 January 2024. The overview details of the Delhi Police Constable Admit Card are provided in the below table: SSC Delhi Police...
yes, there is a negative marking of 0.25 for each wrong answer. government exams related links ssc chsl admit card ibps clerk mains exam analysis ibps rrb ssc notification ssc chsl niacl ssc gd ssc exam date ssc je sbi po salary comments leave a comment cancel reply your mobile number and...
delhi police constable is a vital recruitment process conducted by the recruitment cell of delhi police, the staff selection commission (ssc). the application for this examination is made via online methods. however, the selection process itself requires candidates to fulfill some specific criteria. ...
November 03, 2023: Staff Selection Commission has released the Delhi Police Constable Admit Card on its official website. September 1, 2023: SSC just published an official notification regarding the Delhi Police Constable 2023 recruitment and invited 7547 vacancies for the same. Candidates can downloa...
SSC Delhi Police Constable Bharti Exam 2020-2021 as salary, vacancy details, eligibility, online application form, selection process, physical (PE & MT), syllabus, admit card etc latest information is given below.
Also read:Maharashtra SSC hall ticket 2025 out, how can students get Class 10th admit card Jha disclosed that financial hardships following his parents’ demise pushed him into crime. Despite having a B.Sc degree and working as a teacher, ...
Police Jobs in NCT of Delhi Govt Jobs 2025 It is another big part of a state government's system. This one manages and keeps the other work run smoothly and let people live in peace. To keep the citizen in discipline Police is necessary. The Police job is a great career opportunity for...
Delhi Police Exam The Police department of Delhi is established in 1803 and it's the main law agency for the National Capital Territory of Delhi. Delhi Police works for the Government of India and it maintain the law and order in Delhi State. Delhi Police recruitment board invites application...
SSC MTS Admit Card 2024 OUT:कर्मचारी चयन आयोग (SSC) ने UP, MP, दिल्ली, राजस्थान और उत्तराखंड के उम्मी...
steps to check the ssc delhi police result given below are the steps, following which candidates can check their result for the dp constable exam: step 1: visit the official website ( step 2: click on the result section on the webpage step 3: click on the constable (...