Delhi Police Constable Syllabus 2024 has been given on the official website at along with the exam pattern. Candidates must go through the detailed syallabus and begin their preparation for the upcoming examination.
Delhi Police Constable CBT Exam Pattern 2023 The Staff Selection Commission (SSC) will conduct Computer Based Examination (CBE) across the country. The Computer Based Examination (CBE) will consist of an objective type paper with 100 questions worth 100 marks. The total time allotted for an Onl...
Application ProcessAdmit CardEligibility CriteriaResultAnswer KeyExam PatternCutoffMock TestPreparation TipsQuestion Paper Get Updates Brochure (CUET UG) - Common University Entrance Test (UG) Exam Date - Online mode 14 May'25 - 23 May'25 Application ProcessEligibility CriteriaExam PatternAnswer KeyRe...
delhi police constable result 2021 event important date delhi police constable paper-i 27th november to 16th december 2020 physical endurance & measurement tests 28th june to 26th july 2021 final result declaration 15th december 2021 as per the result notice, the ssc delhi police result of 625 ...
etc. these sections are crucial while preparing for the delhi police constable exam since this online test carries 100 marks, and candidates are required to answer the paper within 90 minutes. delhi police constable exam syllabus some of the topics that the syllabus for each section includes are...
Selection Process, Exam Pattern and Physical Test Delhi Police Constable selection process will consist of Computer Based Exam, Physical Endurance and Measurement Test (PE & MT), Medical Examination and Document Verification. The Computer Based Exam will be conducted by SSC at the centers of concerne...
it is found that they do not fulfill any of the eligibility conditions, their candidature for the examination will be canceled by the Commission. So, the candidates are advised to look thoroughly at the above-mentioned eligibility criteria, before applying for ...
Social media companies would ideally benefit in two ways. First, “Platforms can explain to users that due to having a binding direction from the police, they have no choice in the matter [of takedown requests],” Kumar explained. Second, he added that this would also lessen the...
Deepak is a former Deputy Superintendent of Police who served in nine states of India, where he took on many challenging postings. He joined the hospitality industry over a decade ago. The training he received as a police officer, which principally involved safety and security issues, set him ...
Govt Exam Calendar for October 2022: Check the dates of upcoming government exams to be held in the month of October 2022 - SSC JHT, RRB Group D, UGC NET, IBPS Clerk, IBPS PO, and SSC Delhi Police Constable 2022 Exams.