the Delhi Police started an investigation. As mentioned above, the SUV was being driven without a registration number, and the driver had intentionally done this to avoid getting in trouble. However, the police department managed to trace the details and the vehicle using CCTV cameras installed in...
Police have sought the IP details of the user, who identified himself as Vikramaditya Rana, after he made a series of posts including one saying Lankesh’s killing “serves her and her kind right for the damages these so-called journos have caused our nation”. Lankesh, whose murder is bei...
The Government of Delhi has directed cinema halls in the Union Territory to show a 30-second film on road safety, “The Lost Future of Anuj”, to educate citizens on the impact of speeding, according to areportby the Times of India. As per the report, the government chose to adopt a ...
However, these efforts were thwarted by the Haryana Police. Pandher slammed the Central Government for refusing to address the farmers demands, despite their sustained protests. Both forumsSKM (Non-Political) and KMMhave decided that the jatha of 101 farmers will resume their march to Delhi on ...
The Delhi Traffic Police announced special traffic rules for Rashtriya Ekta Diwas and Run for Unity (both the events were on October 29, 2024). The traffic was restricted around the India Gate and C-Hexagon from 6:45 am till the end of the day.Road...
Email: Delhi/Indira Gandhi International Airport Contacts Address:New Delhi, Delhi 110037, India General Phone:+91 124 479 7300 Lost and Found Phone:+91 124 479 7300 Information Desk Phone:+91 124 479 7300 ...
Apply for a Duplicate Driving Licenceif the original driving certificate gets stolen or lost. But before you apply for a duplicate DL, you need to inform the R.T.O. authority about the loss and file an F.I.R. to the nearest police station. The individual will have to get an affidavit...
, during the past couple of years the DPS Housing Society managing committee (MC) members have sentmultiple threatsto me. These include false police complaints, threats of physical harm to me, expulsion notices, legal notices, and slanderous attacks on my social as well as professiona...
The status of water supply within the refugee camp emerges as a critical concern. Despite the provision of a 10,000 L water tank by The Delhi Jal Board, the average quantity of water received by per family falls significantly below the standards set forth by the United Nations. This glaring...