Delhi Police Constable Syllabus 2024 has been given on the official website at along with the exam pattern. Candidates must go through the detailed syallabus and begin their preparation for the upcoming examination.
etc. these sections are crucial while preparing for the delhi police constable exam since this online test carries 100 marks, and candidates are required to answer the paper within 90 minutes. delhi police constable exam syllabus some of the topics that the syllabus for each section includes are...
The selection process for Delhi police constable position is to clear the written test, medical examination, physical test and after that there may be final interview. The candidates who are applying for sarkari naukri in Delhi Police must be at least higher secondary pass or its equivalent qualif...
Download theDelhi Police Constable Syllabus 2023through this page. The Delhi Police Department will conduct the written test for the Constable (Executive) vacancies in the upcoming months. Without any preparation, no candidate to secure the minimum marks in the written exam. So to help the aspirant...
Delhi Police Constable Physical Admit Card 2024 has been released on 08 January 2024. The PET/PMT examination is scheduled to be held from 13 to 20 January 2024.
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About Delhi Police Constable CBT Exam 2023 Staff Selection Commission (SSC) conducts Delhi Police Constable CBT to recruit eligible candidates for the post of Constable for both male and female categories. The Delhi Police Constable CBT 2023 official notification was released on September 1, 2023, ...
daily news analysis general english for competitive exams list of static gk topics for government exams logical reasoning for competitive exams delhi police recruitment notification 2022 for constable the table below shows the announced important tentative dates regarding delhi police constable exam 2022: ...
SSC Delhi Police Constable Bharti Exam 2020-2021 as salary, vacancy details, eligibility, online application form, selection process, physical (PE & MT), syllabus, admit card etc latest information is given below.
The Police job is a great career opportunity for job seekers who want to serve the nation. There are a variety of posts in the NCT of Delhi Police Department. The NCT of Delhi Police has candidates selected for the posts like Sub Inspector and Constable (GD). The SI posts require ...