2024年6月,首都医科大学附属北京妇产医院刘朝晖教授团队的研究成果,从一名43岁宫颈癌(CIN III)患者阴道分泌物中分离出一株D. lacustris,通过深入的基因组分析和一系列生理药理特征研究等,发现该菌属于一个之前未被发现的全新菌株,将该菌株以自己名字命名为“LzhVag01”。全基因组分析显示,其含有16个与抗生素耐药性相...
D. lacustris shows an unique metabolism of selenium oxyanions to form elemental selenium and possibly also selenium ester compounds, thus a potential candidate for the remediation of selenium-contaminated wastewaters in aerobic environments. This novel finding will advance the field of bioremediation of ...
中文名称:Delftia lacustris 中文同义词:池生戴尔福特菌;代尔夫特菌;代尔福特菌;戴尔福特菌;戴尔福特菌属 英文名称:Delftia lacustris 英文同义词:Delftia lacustris;Delftia sp.;Delftia tsuruhatens CAS号: 分子式: 分子量:0 EINECS号: Mol文件:Mol File ...
2024年6月,首都医科大学附属北京妇产医院刘朝晖教授团队的研究成果,从一名43岁宫颈癌(CIN III)患者阴道分泌物中分离出一株D. lacustris,通过深入的基因组分析和一系列生理药理特征研究等,发现该菌属于一个之前未被发现的全新菌株,将该菌株以自己名字命名为“LzhVag01”。全基因组分析显示,其含有16个与抗生素耐药性相...
We report the first case of true Delftia lacustris bacteremia in a patient with pheochromocytoma. The organism was identified using 16S rRNA gene sequencing and biochemical tests. A peripheral intravenous catheter was the suspected source of infection, and the patient was successfully treated with ...
Delftia lacustriserythromycinerythromycin esteraseThe residual erythromycin in fermentation waste can pollute the environment and threaten human health. However, there are no effective approaches to remedy this issue. In this study, an erythromycin-degrading bacterium named RJJ-61 was isolated and identified...
Delftia lacustrisAdsorption kineticsThermodynamic parametersBox-Behnken-DesignThe development of industrial factories has led to increasing the entry rate of non-degradable compounds into the environment. Natural sorbents have been used extensively to remove heavy metals under optimal conditions. In the ...
Effect of endosulfan tolerant bacterial isolates (Delftia lacustris IITISM30 and Klebsiella aerogenes IITISM42) with Helianthus annuus on remediation of endosulfan from contaminated soilRupa RaniVipin KumarPratishtha GuptaAvantika ChandraEcotoxicology and Environmental Safety...
A bacterial strain, designated RA6(T), was isolated from the rhizosphere of Cistus ladanifer. Phylogenetic analyses based on 16S rRNA gene sequence placed the isolate into the genus Delftia within a cluster encompassing the type strains of Delftia lacustris, Delftia tsuruhatensis, Delftia acidovo...
Ocular infection associated with Delftia lacustris: first reportdoi:10.1016/j.bjid.2015.05.001KyungMokSohnJin-YangBaekShinhyeCheonYeon-SookKimSunSDOSThe Brazilian Journal of Infectious Diseases