货品编号:PerkinElmer.AD0116 数量:-+支 立即购买加入采购单 正品货源 质量保障 商品详情 商品评论 商品咨询 品牌:PerkinElmer 所属分类:一抗 货品编号: PerkinElmer.AD0116 品牌:PerkinElmer 品名:DELFIA® EuTDA Cytotoxicity Reagents 商品咨询 全部咨询(0) ...
PerkinElmer.AD0116 DELFIA® EuTDA Cytotoxicity Reagents 返回商品详情购买
We have also included a troubleshooting guide to optimize assays performed in alternative experimental conditions.Materials and MethodsMATERIALS All of the reagents used are available in the DELFIA EuTDA Cytotoxicity Reagents kit (PerkinElmer cat. no. AD0116) containing: DELFIA BATDA reagent (50 L),...
(E) Eu-solution aliquotsof supernatant TDA E TETE TDA Centrifugation MEASUREMENT1s/well Cytolysis EuTDA Pellet ofcells IdentificationofT asforeignbyE LABELLINGPROTOCOL (GUIDELINES) Preparationofreagents: 1.Warmthelysisbufferinawaterbath(37°C) justbeforeuse.Letthereagentsreachroom temperaturebeforeuse.Check...