Logique du sens 意义的逻辑 1969 书籍 L'Anti-Œdipe – Capitalisme et schizophrénie (avec Félix Guattari) 反俄狄浦斯– 资本主义与精神分裂症 (与费利克斯·伽塔利合著) 1972 书籍 Fromanger – Le peintre et le modèle 弗罗芒热 – 画家与模特 1973 (约) 书籍 Kafka. Pour une littérature...
其主要著作包括《差异与重复》(Différence et répétition,1968)、《感觉的逻辑》(Logique du sens,1969),以及与伽塔里合著的《反俄狄浦斯》(L’Anti-Œdipe, 1972)、《千高原》(Mille plateaux, 1980)等,在哲学、文学、电影和绘画等多个领域具有重要的影响力。"...
G Deleuze (1990) Logique du sens., books.google.com, cited by 2531 (79.09 per year) G Deleuze, C Parnet (2007) dialogues II., books.google.com, cited by 2378 (158.53 per year) G Deleuze (1998) Essays critical and clinical., books.google.com, cited by 2373 (98.88 per year) G ...
Author: "Présentation de Sacher-Masoch" (Minuit, 1967), "Spinoza et le problème de l'expression" (Minuit, 1968), "Logique du sens" (Minuit, 1969), "L'Anti-Oedipe" (with Felix Guattari) (Minuit, 1972), "Kafka - Pour une littérature mineure" (with Felix Guattari) (Minuit, 1975),...
Speaking of his literary experience with the 'wounded poet' Joe Bousquet, Gilles Deleuze wrote in his Logique du sens (1968): He apprehends the wound that he bears deep within his body in its eternal truth as a pure event. This chapter aims to investigate the possibility of thinking about ...
Gilles Deleuze et la phénoménologie Google Scholar ———. 2009. Edmund Husserl. InDeleuze’s philosophical lineage, ed. Graham Jones and Jon Roffe, 261–281. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press. ChapterGoogle Scholar Beaulieu, Alain, and Douglas Ord. 2017. The death of Gilles Deleuze as ...
Google Scholar Deleuze, G (1969) Logique du Sens. Paris: éditions de Minuit. Google ScholaJulia SonnevendJournalism: Theory, Practice & Criticism... J Sonnevend - 《Journalism Theory Practice & Criticism》 被引量: 5发表: 2017年 Post-Rationalism: Psychoanalysis, Epistemology, and Marxism in Pos...
G Deleuze (1990) Logique du sens., books.google.com, cited by 2531 (79.09 per year) G Deleuze, C Parnet (2007) dialogues II., books.google.com, cited by 2378 (158.53 per year) G Deleuze (1998) Essays critical and clinical., books.google.com, cited by 2373 (98.88 per year) G ...
其主要著作包括《差异与重复》(Différence et répétition,1968)、《感觉的逻辑》(Logique du sens,1969),以及与伽塔里合著的《反俄狄浦斯》(L’Anti-Œdipe, 1972)、《千高原》(Mille plateaux, 1980)等,在哲学、文学、电影和绘画等多个领域具有重要的影响力。"...
The interpretation of Sacher-Masoch's, Marcel Proust's and Lewis Carroll's work he offers can be linked to a corporeal semiotic. For Deleuze, interpretation in the field of literature means decoding the signs the bodies express. This paper will first focus on the way Deleuze studies a ...