This test application demonstrates the new behavior. Building the sample The provided solution builds using Visual Studio 2017. The target system must be running Windows 10 RS3 or later in order for the test to succeed.About Demonstrate the new FileDispositionInfoEx behavior Resources Readme ...
The ExDeleteLookasideListEx routine deletes a lookaside list.SyntaxC++ Kopyahin void ExDeleteLookasideListEx( [in, out] PLOOKASIDE_LIST_EX Lookaside ); Parameters[in, out] LookasideA pointer to a LOOKASIDE_LIST_EX structure that describes a lookaside list. This structure was previously ...
ExDeleteLookasideListEx is the reciprocal of the ExInitializeLookasideListEx routine. It frees any remaining entries in the specified lookaside list and then removes the list from the system-wide set of active lookaside lists.On return from ExDeleteLookasideListEx, the caller is responsible for ...
The ExDeleteLookasideListEx routine deletes a lookaside list.SyntaxC++ Αντιγραφή void ExDeleteLookasideListEx( [in, out] PLOOKASIDE_LIST_EX Lookaside ); Parameters[in, out] LookasideA pointer to a LOOKASIDE_LIST_EX structure that describes a lookaside list. This structure was ...
The ExDeleteLookasideListEx routine deletes a lookaside list.SyntaxC++ Copiere void ExDeleteLookasideListEx( [in, out] PLOOKASIDE_LIST_EX Lookaside ); Parameters[in, out] LookasideA pointer to a LOOKASIDE_LIST_EX structure that describes a lookaside list. This structure was previously ...
The ExDeleteLookasideListEx routine deletes a lookaside list.SyntaxC++ Kopírovať void ExDeleteLookasideListEx( [in, out] PLOOKASIDE_LIST_EX Lookaside ); Parameters[in, out] LookasideA pointer to a LOOKASIDE_LIST_EX structure that describes a lookaside list. This structure was previously ...
Die ExInitializeDeleteTimerParameters-Routine initialisiert eine EXT_DELETE_PARAMETERS-Struktur .SyntaxC++ Kopie void ExInitializeDeleteTimerParameters( PEXT_DELETE_PARAMETERS Parameters ); ParameterParametersEin Zeiger auf die EXT_DELETE_PARAMETERS Struktur, die initialisiert werden soll....
Die ExInitializeDeleteTimerParameters-Routine initialisiert eine EXT_DELETE_PARAMETERS-Struktur .SyntaxC++ Kopie void ExInitializeDeleteTimerParameters( PEXT_DELETE_PARAMETERS Parameters ); ParameterParametersEin Zeiger auf die EXT_DELETE_PARAMETERS Struktur, die initialisiert werden soll....
ExDeleteLookasideListEx est la réciproque de la routine ExInitializeLookasideListEx . Il libère toutes les entrées restantes dans la liste de lookaside spécifiée, puis supprime la liste de l’ensemble à l’échelle du système de listes de lookaside actives....