SELECT * FROM Customers WHERE Country='Germany' FETCH FIRST 3 ROWS ONLY; 添加ORDER BY 关键字 在要对结果进行排序并返回排序后结果的前 3 条记录时,添加 ORDER BY 关键字。 对于SQL Server 和 MS Access: 代码语言:sql 复制 按CustomerName 字母降序排序结果,并返回前 3 条记录: SELECT TOP 3 * FROM...
如果SQL 在執行 DELETE 陳述式時發現錯誤,則會停止刪除資料並傳回負 SQLCODE。 如果您指定 COMMIT (*ALL)、COMMIT (*CS)、COMMIT (*CHG) 或 COMMIT (*RR) ,則不會刪除表格中的任何橫列 (此陳述式已刪除的橫列 (如果有的話) 會還原為先前的值)。 如果指定 COMMIT (*NONE) ,任何已刪除的橫列 不會 還...
SQL DELETESales.ShoppingCartItemOUTPUTDELETED.*WHEREShoppingCartID =20621;--Verify the rows in the table matching the WHERE clause have been deleted.SELECTCOUNT(*)AS[RowsinTable]FROMSales.ShoppingCartItemWHEREShoppingCartID =20621; GO J. 在 DELETE 陳述式中,搭配 <from_table_name> 來使用 OUTPUT...
For more information, see WITH common_table_expression (Transact-SQL). TOP (expression) [ PERCENT ] Specifies the number or percent of random rows that will be deleted. expression can be either a number or a percent of the rows. The rows referenced in the TOP expression used with INSERT,...
The delete_from statements in the following X++ code example are efficient. The notexists join clause enables the delete_from statement to delete a specific set of rows. In this example the delete_from statement removes all the parent order header rows for which there are no child order line...
SQL DELETESales.ShoppingCartItemOUTPUTDELETED.*WHEREShoppingCartID =20621;--Verify the rows in the table matching the WHERE clause have been deleted.SELECTCOUNT(*)AS[RowsinTable]FROMSales.ShoppingCartItemWHEREShoppingCartID =20621; GO J. 在 DELETE 语句中同时使用 OUTPUT 与 <from_table_name> ...
开始我们拿sql到数据库查询平台查库执行计划,无奈这个平台有bug,delete语句无法查看,所以我们改成select,“应该”是一样。这个“应该”加了双引号,导致我们走了一点弯路。 EXPLAINSELECT*fromt_table_1wheretask_idin(selectidfromt_table_2whereuid=1)
DELETE ステートメントで WHERE 文節の指定を省略すると、SQL は表からすべての行を削除します。DELETE ステートメントは次のようになります。 DELETE FROM 表名WHERE 検索条件 ... 例えば、部門 D11 が別の場所に移転するとします。この場合には、次のように CORPDATA.EMPLOYEE 表内の WORK...
Best way to modify data in SqlDataReader? Best way to release memory in multithreading application (Getting OutOfMemory Exception) Best way to stop a thread. Best way to stop a windows service with an error condition in a spawned thread? Best way to UPDATE multiple rows in oracle database...
Open the table inDesign View. Click the row selector next to the multivalued field, and then press DELETE, or right-click the row selector and then clickDelete Rows. ClickYesto confirm the deletion. Top of Page Lookup field properties ...