Then we iterate through the range, and delete theEntire Columncontaining any cells which match the criterionOhio. Go toDeveloper > Macros. This will open theMacro Namedialog box. Select our function (DeleteColumnswithSpecificValue). Click theRunbutton. The final output is given below. How to D...
Method 1 – Using Find and Replace to Delete a Row If a Cell Contains Specific Text in Excel We want tofind and delete rowsthat have cells starting with “Mr.” in theNamecolumn. Steps: PressCtrl + Fto open withFind and Replacewindow. Type “Mr.” within theFind whatbar. Click on th...
Have you ever needed to delete all the text in an Excel worksheet except one word? Or maybe you've wanted to delete all of the numbers in a specific column but not the labels that appear to the left of those numbers. Whatever it is, there are multiple ways to delete text in Excel. ...
When you delete a cell (or an entire row or column), Excel has to shuffle the position of entries in the surrounding cells to plug up any gaps caused by the deletion. To delete the actual cell selection rather than just clear the cell contents, follow these steps: Select the cells, ...
Note: When you delete an entire column, Excel automatically shifts cells to the left. For an entire row, it shifts cells up. Delete and Shift Cells Left in Google Sheets If you want to delete a certain data range (in this example B1:B4) and to shift adjacent cells from the right side...
To delete rows with blanks using the Find & Select feature in Excel, useGo To Special. In theRibbon, go toHome > Find & Select > Go To Special. In theGo To Specialdialog box, selectBlanksand click OK. Now, all the blank cells in that range are selected. ...
In a new macro module, type the following macro. VB SubDeleteCells()'Loop through cells A1:A10 and delete cells that contain an "x."ForEachcinRange("A1:A10")Ifc ="x"Thenc.EntireRow.DeleteNextEndSub Behavior of the sample macro in Excel 2002 and in later versions of Excel ...
(1, -y).Selectx = xlwsSheet.Application.ActiveCell.Cells.Address'Opening the recordset based on the SQL query and saving the data in the Excel = adUseClientIfrs.State = adStateOpenThenrs.CloseEndIfrs.Open SQL, conIfrs.RecordCount >0Thenrs.MoveFirst x = Replace(x,...
Delete Rows in an Excel Worksheet The keyboard key combination to delete rows from a worksheet is: Ctrl + " - " (minus sign) The easiest way to delete a row is to select the entire row to be deleted. This can also be done using a keyboard shortcut: ...
Excel ReferencesExcel Keyboard Shortcuts Excel Delete Cells❮ Previous Next ❯ Delete CellsCells can be deleted by selecting them, and pressing the delete button.Note: The delete function will not delete the formatting of the cell, just the value inside of it....