matching pattern USAGE: ./redistool keys [command options] [arguments...] OPTIONS: -h "" Server hostname (default: -p "6379" Server port (default: 6379). -a Password to use when connecting to the server. -n "0" Database number. -r "<pattern>" * matches ...
一:键值相关命令 1.keys Pattern模糊查询 keys my* 2.exists某个key是否存在 exists key1 3.del 删除一个key del key1 4.expire设置过期时间 expire key2 10 5.ttl查看key剩余过期时间 ttl key2 6.move将key移到数据库 move woca1 0 选择数据库 select 0 8.persist取消过期时间 persist age 9...
在Redisson 中,deleteByPattern 方法用于根据指定的模式删除 Redis 中的多个键。它类似于 Redis 的 KEYS 命令与 DEL 命令的结合,但使用 deleteByPattern 可以避免 KEYS 命令可能带来的性能问题,因为它内部使用了 Redis 的 SCAN 命令进行迭代删除。 deleteByPattern 方法使用示例和必要参数说明 java import org.redisson...
51CTO博客已为您找到关于redis delete 命令的相关内容,包含IT学习相关文档代码介绍、相关教程视频课程,以及redis delete 命令问答内容。更多redis delete 命令相关解答可以来51CTO博客参与分享和学习,帮助广大IT技术人实现成长和进步。
The DEL key command of Redis is used to delete a single key. To batch delete keys, you can combine the cat and xargs commands of Linux and the DEL command of Redis. If you want to delete keys that have the same prefix or suffix by using fuzzy match logic, we recommend that you use...
Redis Relay Reservations Resource Graph Resource Health Resource Manager Resource Mover Schema Registry Search Security Security Insights Self Help Service Bus Service Fabric Service Linker Service Networking SignalR Sphere SQL SQL Virtual Machine Stack HCI Storage Stream Analytics Subscriptions Sup...
# new_mysql_url = re.sub(pattern, f":{new_password}@", values['redis_url']) # values['redis_url'] = new_mysql_url return values class Config: @@ -192,5 +216,15 @@ def parse_key(keys: list[str], setting_str: str = None) -> str: return ['\n'.join(value) for value ...
aws-cdk-lib Overview Constructs AssetStaging CustomResource CustomResourceProvider NestedStack Stack Stage Classes Annotations App Arn AspectApplication AspectPriority Aspects AssetManifestBuilder Aws BootstraplessSynthesizer CfnDynamicReference CfnElement CfnRefElement CliCredentialsStackSynthesizer ContextProvider Cust...
Redis Továbbító RemoteApp Lefoglalások Resource Graph Resource Manager Erőforrás mozgatás Források Scheduler Sémaregisztrációs adatbázis Keresés Security Center Security Insights Service Bus Service Fabric Service Linker SignalR Spring Cloud SQL SQL Server on Virtual Machines SQL...