Oracle 区别 DELETE语句执行删除的过程是每次从表中删除一行,并且同时将该行的删除操作作为事务记录在日志...
Use the sObject Rows resource to delete records. Specify the record ID and use the DELETE method of the resource to delete a record.
Deletes a parent record based on the specified object, record ID, and relationship field name. Only a child-to-parent relationship can be traversed when you delete records.
I'm setting up a Salesforce regression test environment and using Selenium IDE for firefox.When Logged in to my Salesforce Org using Firefox I first create an Account Record and than I delete the same record without and complications.
{ "value": "formPageSubmission", "label": "Changes generated when an interface form builder page, form layout page, or record creation button page is submitted" }{ "value": "automation", "label": "Changes generated through an automation action" }{ "value": "system", "label...
Description Unique identifier of the system job that created this record DisplayName System Job IsValidForForm False IsValidForRead True LogicalName asyncoperationid RequiredLevel None Type Lookup Targets asyncoperation BulkDeleteOperationId 展開資料表 PropertyValue Description Unique identifier of the bul...
public Object enableLogging() Get the enableLogging property: Whether to record detailed logs of delete-activity execution. Default value is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean). Returns: the enableLogging value.fromJson public static DeleteActivity fromJson(JsonReader jsonReade...
Description Unique identifier of the system job that created this record DisplayName System Job IsValidForForm False IsValidForRead True LogicalName asyncoperationid RequiredLevel None Type Lookup Targets asyncoperation BulkDeleteOperationId 展開資料表 PropertyValue Description Unique identifier of the b...
Record that was not deleted during a bulk deletion job.Entity set path: [organization URI]/api/data/v9.2/bulkdeletefailures Base type: crmbaseentity Table type: Standard Display name: Bulk Delete Failure Primary key: bulkdeletefailureid Operations supported: GET ...