这将会删除名为`my-pod`的Pod。 总结:在Kubernetes中使用kubectl delete pods命令可以轻松地删除运行中的Pod。首先通过kubectl get pods命令查看当前运行的Pod,然后选择要删除的Pod,并使用kubectl delete pod命令进行删除。希望通过本文的介绍,你已经了解了如何删除Pod,并可以在日常工作中灵活运用这一操作。祝你在Kuberne...
| 1 | 打开终端或命令行工具 | | 2 | 使用kubectl get pods命令查看所有的Pod | | 3 | 找到目标Pod的名称 | | 4 | 使用kubectl delete命令删除目标Pod中的某个容器 | | 5 | 确认容器已被删除 | ## 操作步骤及代码示例 ### 步骤1:打开终端或命令行工具 在终端或命令行工具中输入以下命令: ```ba...
The current solution is to first enter the `/var/lib/kubelet/pods` directory on the problem node, delete the pod’s folder corresponding to the pod id that reported in the error log, and then restart kubelet and docker. Tags:Kubernetes,orphaned,pod ...
Orleans.Hosting.Kubernetes.dll Package: Microsoft.Orleans.Hosting.Kubernetes v8.2.0 Source: KubernetesHostingOptions.cs Whether or not to delete pods which correspond to silos which have become defunct since this silo became active. C# publicboolDeleteDefunctSiloPods {get;set; } ...
When you set the parameter -restart=Never, Kubernetes creates a single pod instead of creating a deployment.To see the status of your pod, run the following command:PowerShell Copy kubectl get pods To view the entire configuration of the pod, run the following command:...
One day, you find there is a long list of evited pods in your kubernetes namespace. Luckily, the evited pod finally lauched on another node. what happened and how to handle these evicted pods which already stopped? Why pods get evicted?
I1023 15:49:04.464319 1 httplog.go:132] "HTTP" verb="DELETE" URI="/api/v1/namespaces/mongodb-test-ns/pods/mongodb-test-sj-kqfrf-zrkjp" latency="6.69102ms" userAgent="kube-controller-manager/v1.28.3 (linux/amd64) kubernetes/7b6ea50/system:serviceaccount:kube-system:generic-garbage-coll...
A proposed fix is to change the deletePod to exclude the Final/Succeed state or even better share the logic with the oldPodsRunning condition (maybe even call it from there). Kubernetes version $kubectl version#paste output here 1.30.5, but the code looks like this also in master branch....
More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/workloads/pods/pod-lifecycle#container-probes name String Name of the container specified as a DNS_LABEL. Each container in a pod must have a unique name (DNS_LABEL). Cannot be updated. ports Array of io.k8s.api.core.v1.ContainerPort ...
cordon节点,drain驱逐节点,delete 节点的前提是已经有一套可以正常运行的Kubernetes集群,关于Kubernetes(k8s)集群的安装部署,可以查看博客《Centos7 安装部署Kubernetes(k8s)集群》https://www.cnblogs.com/renshengdezheli/p/16686769.html 三.cordon节点 3.1 cordon节点概览 ...