Type the command message to delete messages:/clearall Note that thiscannotbe used on a server chat or chats within a voice channel. To clear Discord chat on a voice channel, you would also need to do it manually. **You can also delete all the messages from a Discord channel even if y...
Removing a direct message or messages from your side of Discord won’t delete them from the other person’s profile. Discord doesn’t allow its users to modify the accounts of other users. The messages you remove from your account will stay on Discord’s servers, and the other person will...
Deleting a message on Discord is as simple as hovering over the message, opening the menu, and selecting Delete. But to delete multiple messages or auto-delete them, try Discord bots (Discord now calls them apps). Here are two Discord bots/apps to delete multiple messages with a single co...
更正您的过滤器逻辑应该会修复您的DiscordAPIError异常,但为了确保没有发出错误的调用,您应该保护bulkDelete调用: if(botMessages.length >1) { message.channel.bulkDelete(botMessages); }elseif(botMessages.length) { botMessages[0].delete(); }else{// nothing to delete} ...
First, open the Discord app on any device. You may also use the web app if you’re on a desktop. Log in with your information. Navigate to the channel, server, or DM where you wish to remove your message. Open DevTools by clicking “F12” on a PC or “command” + “option” +...
Return返回消息 Return消息机制 Return Listener 用于处理一些不可路由的消息 我们的消息生产者,通过指定一...
Discord是超过25亿人使用的消息传递和语音聊天平台。即使这些用户每天交换数十亿条消息,Discord实际上也不会删除您发送的文本消息,无论您是通过与联系人的直接消息传递还是通过服务器渠道进行发送。 如果您想快速轻松地删除与另一位Discord用户交换的所有直接消息,那么您就不走运了。尽管有许多其他功能,Discord根本不提供...
Known Bug: Deleted message is visible to the receiver until they go-back to the chat index and open the chat again. https://discord.com/channels/624205794384281629/862717376915308544/872026952754663466 While implementing the delete-message UI, I realised that the signal doesn't have the id of the...
dispatch(getChannelMessages(message["channel_id"])); const payload = { channel_id: parseInt(message?.channelId), channel_id: message["channel_id"], }; socket.emit("channelmessage", payload); return history.push( `/servers/${message?.serverId}/channels/${message?.channelId}` `/servers/...