in: 语法:propinobjectName prop 一个字符串类型或者symbol类型的属性名,或者数组索引。 objectName 需要检测的对象(必须是一个对象,不能是原始类型)比如,可以是一个String包装对象,但不能是一个字符串原始值。 它会遍历objectName的...
typeof是一个一元运算符,放在一个运算数之前,这个运算数可以是任意类型的。它的返回值是一个字符串,该字符串说明了运算数的类型通常typeof返回的类型如下:number,string,boolean,object,function,undefined typeof可以将运算数括起来,类似一个函数的用法 eg: PS:typeof的局限性在于对于Array,null等特殊的对象使用type...
number,string,boolean,object,function,undefined typeof可以将运算数括起来,类似一个函数的用法 eg: var i=0; var type1=typeof(i);//number var j=”hello ali!”; var type2=typeof j;//string PS:typeof的局限性在于对于Array,null等特殊的对象使用typeof返回的都是object,而不能详细的去区分,这时...
{"Name": "string", "StackName": "string" } Request Parameters For information about the parameters that are common to all actions, seeCommon Parameters. The request accepts the following data in JSON format. Name The name of the entitlement. ...
-uses:actions/delete-package-versions@v5with:#Can be a single package version id, or a comma separated list of package version ids.#Defaults to an empty string.package-version-ids:#Owner of the package.#Defaults to the owner of the repo executing the workflow.#Required if deleting a version...
The request accepts the following data in JSON format. Id The identifier of the access control configuration you want to delete. Type: String Length Constraints: Minimum length of 1. Maximum length of 36. Pattern:[a-zA-Z0-9-]+ Required: Yes ...
TypeScript Copy resumeFrom?: string Property Value string updateIntervalInMs Delay to wait until next poll, in milliseconds. TypeScript Copy updateIntervalInMs?: number Property Value number Inherited Property DetailsabortSignal The signal which can be used to abort requests. TypeScript Copy ...
string resumeFrom A serialized poller which can be used to resume an existing paused Long-Running-Operation. TypeScript 复制 resumeFrom?: string Property Value string updateIntervalInMs Delay to wait until next poll, in milliseconds. TypeScript 复制 updateIntervalInMs?: number Property Val...
DomainName string 是 加速域名,仅支持单个删除。 ConfigId string 是 功能配置 ID,多个用半角逗号(,)分隔。ConfigId 查询和使用,请参见 ConfigId 使用说明。 2317 返回参数 名称类型描述示例值 object RequestId string 请求ID。 04F0F334-1335-436C-A1D7-6C044FE73368 示例 正常返回示例 JSON格...
Type: String Default: ${{ github.token }}Authorization token to access the cache in the target repository. Either a GitHub personal access token or the GitHub workflow token. If not provided, the environment variable GITHUB_TOKEN will be used as a fallback. And if even that is not set, ...