Privacy matters a lot to us in life and we don't want it to be known by others, such as our own chat records, browser search records and more. For the sake of privacy security, we usually choose to delete history on phone from time to time. So does everyone know how to delete his...
Delete browser history in Google Chrome Click the three dots in the menu bar in the top right corner. Click History to open a menu, then select History in the menu Cleck to Delete browsing data. A new tab will open. To clear all history, go to Time range and select the period All ...
if you're not using private browsing mode, your browser history may be visible to others who use your computer or device. Almost every browser records your Web history and Chrome is no exception.
Free Eraser v.1.1Free Eraser protects your Internet privacy by permanently delete internet history and past computer activities. this Free Eraser allows you to delete Internet history, browser history, address bar history, Internet cache, cookies, of your browser, an ... Paper Shredder v.1.3Paper...
The Click and Clean is a browser extension for Google Chrome and other Chromium-based browsers. It enables users to quickly delete their browsing data like currently open windows, browsing history, cookies etc. with just a single click.Install itfrom Chrome Web Store to use it. ...
3.Clear your Chrome browser history Chrome’s browser history can be deleted just as easily too. The keyboard shortcutCtrl+Shift+Deleteworks in Chrome too and you can use it to have Google’s option displayed on your screen. Chrome provides you the chance to select the duration for which ...
Learn how to delete history on phone with our comprehensive guide. From call logs and messages to browser and app history, we've got you covered.
Reduce Chrome Memory Usage: These tweaks will help you limit memory usage in the browser. Today’s Quick Bytes When you internet connection constantly drops out, it’s a real irritation. However, this problem can be linked to anything from power setting to interference. However, some people ma...
二、如何删除浏览器搜索记录 (How to Delete Browser Search History) 1. Google Chrome 在Google Chrome中删除搜索记录非常简单。首先,打开Chrome浏览器,点击右上角的三个点图标,选择“历史记录”。在这里,你可以看到所有的浏览历史记录。选择“清除浏览数据”,然后选择你想要删除的时间范围(如“过去一小时”、“过...
Safari > Clear History > Clear All History. Safari > Settings > Privacy > Manage Website Data > Remove All. #3. Delete all of the items in your Safari Reading List It’s possible that items saved to your Safari Reading List continue to automatically show up in your browser history. If...