使用Laravel中的路由删除我的数据库记录? 、、 我正在使用Laravel,我正在尝试实现一个删除功能,负责删除所选的任务。 public function destroy(Task $task) $task->delete(); return redirect('/tasks')->with('success', 'Task re 浏览4提问于2018-08-12得票数 0 3回答 如何删除相关数据一对一关系拉拉? ...
$quiz->questions()->latest()->skip($request->total_questions)->take(PHP_INT_MAX)->each(function ($row) { $row->delete();我有一个模型测验,有相关的问题和问题有其他关系选项,所以我不 浏览15提问于2021-05-12得票数0 回答已采纳 1回答 Laraveltake跳过查询不采用有效数据 、 我正在开发一个Lara...
protectedfunctionisReading($request){returnin_array($request->method(),['HEAD','GET','OPTIONS']);}/** * Determine if the application is running unit tests. * * @return bool */protectedfunctionrunningUnitTests(){return$this->app->runningInConsole()&&$this->app->runningUnitTests();}/**...
Then in Laravel do what you want, detele, update etc... $('#Yourbutton').click(function() { $.ajax({ url: "YourUrl", type: 'POST', success: function(){ alert("success"); } }); }); YourUrl is url where you call your post method, so make path in your routes.php like R...
0 Trying to delete multiple records at once in Laravel 1 I am trying to delete a particular record from the table in Laravel 5.3 0 Delete a record using laravel delete function 0 Deleting a record in laravel 0 Deleting record in Laravel 1 I am tyring to delete any record i...
success:function(result){ } }, }); 二,仍然使用PUT DELETE 请求 1.仍然使用put和delete请求,并且需要传递参数的时候data需要设置为json字符串 varjsonstr = {"id":issueId,"userId":userId};varr=confirm("确认删除该回答?");if(r){ $.ajax({ ...
public function search($types, Closure $query, $limit = null, $offset = null); /** * Run a search and then paginate the results using the laravel length * aware paginator. * * @param string|array $types * @param callable $query * @param string|int $perPage * @return LengthAwarePagin...
public function delete(string $url, $data = []) { return $this->send('DELETE', $url, empty($data) ? [] : [ // bodyFormat will be "json" $this->bodyFormat => $data, ]); } So the Guzzle library will create a request with a json as body. In the other hand, the get method...
protected $description = 'init laravel as for post'; /** * Create a new command instance. * * @return void */ public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); } /** * Execute the console command. * * @return mixed */ ...
publicfunctionupdate(User $user, Topic $topic) {return$user->ownsTopic($topic); } } 然后user模型 中新建这个ownsTopic方法。 然后更新AuthServiceProvider.php,注册这个policy: 然后更新TopicController.php: PostMan测试,如果没有权限: Topic Delete Policy ...