如果我们想删除成绩不及格的学生记录,可以使用NOT IN条件来排除成绩大于等于60分的学生。 以下是使用NOT IN条件的DELETE语句示例: DELETEFROMstudentsWHEREscoreNOTIN(SELECTscoreFROMstudentsWHEREscore>=60); 1. 2. 在这个示例中,我们首先从students表中选择成绩大于等于60分的学生,然后使用NOT IN条件删除不符合条件的...
MySQL比较恶心的一个delete in操作 MySQL中 deletefromtableAwhereidnotin(1,2,3); 1. 是没有问题的 deletefromtableAwhereidnotin(selectidfromtableB) 1. 也是没有问题的 但是 deletefromtableAwhereidnotin(selectidfromtableA) 1. 就TMD有问题了。 解决办法是给里面的子查询建立表别名 deletefromtableA(...
delete from activity_student where student_id not in (select sid from students) 解决办法是通过临时表创建索引,用空间换时间避免频繁读取原表信息。 delete from activity_student where student_id not in (select * from (select sid from students) tmp) 改成上面的 sql 语句后,40 秒结束战斗! 网上说 ...
mysql delete not in 想要执行: DELETEFROMtb_tableAWHEREidIN(SELECTa.idFROMtb_tableA aWHEREa.idNOTIN(SELECTa_idFROMtb_tableB ) ); 是无法正确执行的。 解决方案:创建临时表,作为中间表;用完再删去。 CREATETABLEtmpASSELECTt.idFROM(SELECTa.idFROMtb_tableA aWHEREa.idNOTIN(SELECTa_idFROMtb_tableB...
我试了select * from stu_score where (stu_id,course_id,score) not in (select stu_id,course_id,max(score) as score from stu_score group by stu_id,course_id) 这样的语句,其中只是把delete替换成了select * ,执行起来就是秒出,并无delete时的阻滞。
DELETE FROM CIDZ WHERE EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM CIDZ A WHERE A.ID > CIDZ.ID AND A.地址 = CIDZ.地址)你运行一下试试。因为NOT IN是一个检索,要先运行IN里面的语句,这样相当于多了一个全表的检索操作,先把范围选出来,所以当你的表数据非常大的时候,速度会非常慢。可是EXISTS语句就不...
二、词性和意思不同:delete 动词,意思是删除、删去、划掉、擦去、去掉 delegation 名词,意思是代表团、委托、委派 三、用法不同:delete 用作及物动词 (vt.)1、Delete his name from the list.把他的名字从名单上删去。2、The attack is to wipe out data, to delete flies, or to format...
For more information, see FROM (Transact-SQL).WHERE Specifies the conditions used to limit the number of rows that are deleted. If a WHERE clause is not supplied, DELETE removes all the rows from the table.There are two forms of delete operations based on what is specified in the WHERE ...
2、delete from删除;从…上删掉 3、delete keyn. [计]删除字符键 例句:1、Dreams organize the events of the day into folders and delete what is not needed.在梦中,一天的事情被分门别类地整理好,而不必要的则会被删除。2、We will be pleased to delete the charge from the original...
Example 3: Delete_From Notexists Join You can use the notexists join keyword pair in a delete_from statement. The delete_from statements in the following X++ code example are efficient. The notexists join clause enables the delete_from statement to delete a specific set of rows. In this ...