Delete a files inside zip file using c# Delete all files with extension *.pdf from folder Delete an item from an array. delete blank rows in csv Delete bulk of rows from c# Datatable with out iterating the rows Delete empty folders and directories delete folder if older then 30 days Dele...
Delete downloaded files from roaming profiles older than 30 days Delete empty folders Delete everything within a specific directory Delete files older than 24 hours Delete files older than and create a log of which files were deleted Delete files on remote server Delete files/folders on remote ser...
Once you opened Command Prompt tool, type the next command todelete backup filesolder than 30 days: fhmanagew.exe -cleanup 30 and then press Enter. The process will start immediately, and the old backup files should be deleted. You must have in mind that this task may take several minutes...
I had a need, on one of my file servers, to delete some data that was older than 30 days, to clear space. This would need to be a re-occurring task, so what better way to accomplish it than to script it! Here’s the rub… The folders are each in a YYYYMMDD format (ex: 20170...
Windows 10 Delete User Profiles Older Than 60 Days Hi. I am working on trying to automate cleaning up local user profiles on some machines that after awhile run into HDD space issues. I've been working on a script below for this, but I cannot get it to work quite right. ...
automaticallyempty the Recycle Binand clean theDownloads folderperiodically. Unfortunately, if you are running an early build of Windows 10 or a previous version of the OS, these features are not available for you. Here is how you can delete files older than certain days using three different ...
Select your device's OS (Android, iOS, or Windows mobile) from one of the tabs below: OneDrive for AndroidOneDrive for iOSOneDrive for Windows mobile Delete files Tap and hold the file you want to delete. (To delete multiple files, after se...
With the amazing features of Microsoft Outlook, you can easilyOutlook delete emails older thandays, months or years. Also, if in case you have deleted any important mail by mistake, you can recover that message with the help of Recoverit Data Recovery software. Try it now!
This is a very simple tutorial on how to find, move and delete files older than X days. I needed this for a project where I collected some images and needed to archive and delete them after a while.
Function that can be used to remove files older than a specified age and also remove empty folders. .PARAMETERPath Specifies the target Path. .PARAMETERAge Specifies the target Age in days, e.g. Last write time of the item. .PARAMETERForce ...