I have a git repository for one of my websites, originally started with another static site generator. But I thought I'd try out Hexo. Maybe it would have been cleaner to start from an empty directory, but I started a new branch in my re...
This Python script allows you to easily deploy a local folder to a GitHub repository or delete an existing GitHub repository. It uses the PyGitHub library for GitHub interactions. Usage Clone or download the repository to your local machine. git clone https://github.com/suryagowda/deployndelete...
delete@git-repo/c/remove/repository$ git statusfatal:not a git repository(or any of the parent directories): .git Furthermore, any git commands you issue will return with afatal: not a git repositoryerror. While errors aren’t typically the way we seek confirmation in the software developmen...
We all know how important to add many files into a git repository for developing the project. But developers should realize and work ondeleting unused files on git.Always, delete files on git is so confusing as it is a big question mark todelete them from my repository or delete them from...
You cannot remove a repo if it is the only Git repo in the Azure DevOps project. If you need to delete the only Git repo in a project, create a new Git repo first, then delete the repo.PrerequisitesHave Delete Repository permissions to delete a repo from a project.Note...
在Ruby on Rails的官方博客里,DHH写到: 我们准备将Rails开发的代码存储库从Subversion迁移到Git之上,...
When you've made the decision to delete, you should open the "Settings" page for the repository. There, scroll down all the way to the bottom and you'll find the button "Delete this repository". Learn More Morefrequently asked questionsabout Git & version control...
KubernetesResourceCreateParametersExistingEndpoint KubernetesResourceCreateParametersNewEndpoint KubernetesResourcePatchParameters LabelsUpdatedEvent LanguageConfiguration LanguageMetricsSecuredObject LanguageStatistics LastResolutionState LastResultDetails LegacyBuildConfiguration LegacyReleaseReference LegacyTestCaseResult LegacyTest...
2013-04-04 17:14:08,986 ERROR - Error removing local branch: [error: Cannot delete the branch 'the_branch_name' which you are currently on.] com.atlassian.utils.process.ProcessException: While executing: "git branch -D the_branch_name " in [/opt/fisheye...
GitConflictDirectoryFile GitConflictEditDelete GitConflictEditEdit GitConflictFileDirectory GitConflictRename1to2 GitConflictRename2to1 GitConflictRenameAdd GitConflictRenameDelete GitConflictRenameRename GitConflictType GitConflictUpdateResult GitConflictUpdateStatus GitConstants GitDeletedRepository GitFi...